Engagement and Wellbeing 

Remembrance Day

On Wednesday we will pause to mark Remembrance Day. This is an opportunity to pay our respects to the brave servicemen and women who risked their lives for us and our country.

Our school captains will attend the ceremony at RSL park and lay a wreath on behalf of the school. 


At school, our own ceremony will be held near the Gallipoli Tree / flagpoles and will be livestreamed back to classrooms for all students to participate. 


In the lead up to this day, we have been selling poppies at school. The red poppy has come to symbolise remembrance and hope for a peaceful future. Thank you to everyone for their generosity and support. 


The final opportunity to purchase a poppy pin is tomorrow - Wednesday morning - in the courtyard before school. There is also a donation box for anyone wishing to make a contribution. All of these funds will be forwarded to the Buninyong RSL. 

Travelling to and from school

Using school crossings

Both crossings at Warrenheip and Learmonth St are fully operational again, providing students with a safe means of crossing these very busy roads. Students have generally been doing a great job of using the crossings which is pleasing to hear. 


We will continually be reinforcing the importance of using these crossings at school and it would be appreciated if you could do the same at home. In particular, please remind students they are to dismount and walk their bike & scooter when crossing the road. This is another simple step that ensures the safety of all. Thanks everyone. 

Good Luck to the Class of 2014!

We’d like to wish our 2014 grade 6 students all the best as they finish school and prepare for their year 12 VCE exams. You may even recognise a relative, friend or neighbour in these pictures. Our current 2020 grade 6 students were in prep in 2014 and are now the ones about to embark on their secondary school journey… time really does fly!