VCAL Project:

Transforming spaces

By Glenn Booth (VCAL Teacher)

This year has been a bit different for our VCAL students, with learning from home the teamwork and practical nature of the learning throughout the year has not been as prevalent as what we originally hoped. 


Our first project that we started planning at the end of 2019 was to freshen up the space outside the SLC. We looked at the courtyard area and thought we could do something amazing there, so we went into stages of planning. After a group presentation and consultation with Mrs Fraanje, Mr Punnet, Mr Holmes, Mr Seskis and Mr Neil we came up with some alterations to our plan that would benefit the School as well as give us a great challenge for our project. 


We were all ready to start and wanted to complete the project in the beautiful weather in Term 1 when we had to go into learning from home for the first time. We came back to School briefly and then were apart once more. We all thought that our hopes for this project were dashed, to be demolished by the year that 2020 had become. Then in October we got the news that we would be coming back in person and as a class decided we could give it one last crack.


The project was quickly approved and confirmed and we were on our way. Thanks to the creativity and imagination of the students and the expertise and partnership of Mark Punnett and the maintenance team the area has now definitely been changed with some new unique elements. 


  • An amazing BBQ area that will be well used by people in the Senior School for years to come.
  • A calming and tranquil mural feature with some big bright koi fish that livens up the big grey wall.
  • Some fresh plants in moveable planter boxes to bring in some natural beauty where plants can be interchangeable depending on the season.
  • And this years theme and the School logo above " Courage to grow".


I definitely believe wholeheartedly that these students have shown this "courage to grow" in their learning this year and throughout this challenging project.


Check out the pictures below!