Year 6 CurriculumNews

Important Dates

Grade 6 Students  Return to schoolThursday the 15th Oct
Grade 6 Graduation Monday the14th Dec


In Reading, our Grade 6 students will be embarking on an author study. The Author we will be learning about is Colin Thompson. He is an Australian author who has written books such as “the paper bag prince, the big book of happy sadness and how to live forever’ just to name a few. During this unit students will be analysing and critiquing his texts.



In Writing, our Grade 6 Students will learn more about the craft of writing an autobiography.  Students will have the opportunity to learn about the structure of an autobiography text and write their own autobiography about themselves and  their personal experiences.  They will then begin a unit on information reports.



In Mathematics, our Grade 6 learner will begin Term 4 with a focus on Data Representation & InterpretationThey will create experiments and work with numbers, gather and analyse 


They will then begin a unit on financial maths assisting students to create and understand budgeting and money management. Students will then begin small units around algebraic thinking and measurement conversion. 

Ending the term with a unit on reading high school timetables to set our grade 6 students up for success when beginning their high school journey.                                             


Inquiry—Decisions Decisions Decisions 

Our Grade 6 learners will be learning about the function of government  and its role in organizing and governing their citizens.


Key Questions:

What is democracy in Australia and why is voting in a democracy important?

What are the roles and responsibilities of the different levels of government in Australia?

How and why do people participate in groups to achieve shared goals?

What are the responsibilities of the government?



I am super excited about working onsite with the grade 5-6 students for Term 4. The term will begin by revising the ‘beloved’ art and design writing techniques used in Graffiti Art earlier this year. The grade 5 and 6 students will then revise the design principles covered through the year, such as line, pattern and shape, and apply these principles to create‘ Rhythmic elements’ in their artwork. They will use their knowledge of pattern and repetition, to emphasise the sense of ‘movement’ on the page to create actions, such as dance or running in their designs. Midway through the term, the students will use tinfoil and air dried clay to explore the element of ‘Form’ and  3D shape, to create a 3D character and towards the end the term the students will be making crafty and creative designs to decorate for the holidays. I look forward to a fun and creative time with all the grade 5-6 students this term.



Welcome back to a new term onsite at school! In term 4, students in grade 5 and 6 will be reviewing and extending on their learning of how to participate in shopping scenarios. This involves reviewing some topics and phrases they have previously learned such as greetings, numbers and fruit names. They will be learning vegetables and common words and phrases that are used in simple transactions at markets. They will also learn about a Chinese holidays such as the Mid-Autumn Festival. 


Physical Education

Welcome back athletes! I hope you have been active and enjoying the sun! We will start off the term by going over team building activities, because it is important to work together! ‘The Dream work makes the team work!’  I am excited to announce that this term, we will be creating our own Melton West Olympics! Students will form groups and they will select a country to represent. From there, we will train for each event – as athletes. Finally, each country will compete. Winners will be announced at assembly! We are hoping to end the term with Bike Ed – getting confident with our abilities to ride safely. 

Ready? Because I am! LET’S GO!



Welcome back for Term 4! I am so relieved that all students will be back onsite so we can finish the year together.

Firstly, I would like to thank the students for demonstrating such commitment and resilience while completing science tasks from home. It has been amazing to watch you do experiments at home and the creativity many showed when completing our solar system unit. I was so proud of the finished assignments, especially the effort that many students put in. 

This term in Science, we will be beginning by looking at gas, solids and liquids. We are going to define what each of these means and their properties We have lots of experiments planned to explore the different properties and compare our results. 

Lastly we will be investigating light and how light can be absorbed, reflected or refracted. We will research what each of these terms means and which materials are able to absorb, reflect or refract. We have many experiments planned to explore light and the ways light can change depending on what material it touches.