YEAR 10: Celebration Day 

 By Miki, Amelie & Jordi (YEAR 10 STUDENTS) 

On Thursday, 24 November, the Year 10 cohort celebrated their last day for 2022. Walking into the familiar science block, gold streamers and christmas decorations lined the walls, welcoming students in. It was even more exciting to see our beloved Mrs Armstrong dressed as Santa Claus, and Mr Lobe as an elf. 


The theme of Op Shop Fab or Drab or Formal/Fancy had been perfected by students and teachers alike, who were all dressed in elegant suits, dresses, and bright clothes. 


To start the day, homeroom teachers spent time recalling the fond memories made that year, before cleaning out our filthy lockers - some surprises were found in some of the lockers but clearing out gave us a sense of moving on as we took out belongings to their new destination, SLC for their final years at school.


We were especially grateful to spend this time with Mr Jeffery, a teacher who has been with BHCS for 15 years but is sadly leaving at the end of this year to begin a new journey. During the year he has given us a glimpse into his incredible wisdom and servant heart. We have been blessed to hear of his stories and adventures throughout his life, and the positive impact he has and will continue to make wherever he goes. 


Although it was a mere 15 degrees outside, it did not stop the good times. Arriving at Belgrave pool, a game of volleyball began in the muddy grass, followed by a lively game of tug of war, before jumping in the surprisingly warm pool - about 90% of the cohort jumped in. 


Testing our swimming and competitive abilities, Mrs Armstrong launched a relay race game. One person acting as the arms, the other holding on and kicking as the legs had to swim the whole length before taking off the 'I love Christmas' t-shirt and passing it to the next pair. Naturally, Mr Jeffery’s homeroom was victorious. This game truly showed our team spirit as a year level, cheering and helping each other through the difficult challenges. 


Next, the inflatable was brought out;  lines of kids waiting eagerly to jump on. Many slipped and fell into the water, however, got back up and were encouraged to give it another try. Hot sausages were gratefully received before being dried off and returning back to games of volleyball, spike ball and cricket. 


Arriving back at school, we officially became Year 11s, moving into the SLC. Here, we gathered closely as the teachers announced spirit awards and encouraged our friends through their successes, spending the last few hours of Year 10 with the people who have made this year so special. Like every year, we are going to make the best of every situation, and overcome all the challenges, together, as a team. 


P.S. We would like to say a big ‘good luck’ to the VCE teachers ;) and thank those who have guided us along the way this year. Thank you Year 10.