Important Notices

End-of-term arrangements

Whilst December still seems some way off, I wanted to update you on arrangements for how we will finish the school year.


As shared in our last newsletter, students are not required at school on Tuesday 20th December .


This means that classes will finish for the year at 3:30pm on Monday 19th December. 


Team Kids will offer a full-day program at the school on Tuesday 20th December for those families that require childcare.


This arrangement means that the other end of term events and milestones will happen as follows;


  • Thursday 15th December - Final transition session and 2023 class lists sent home - students will meet their 2023 teachers and classes and bring home a class list for next year.
  • Friday 16th December - 9am: Final school assembly and Year 6 Leadership awards. We will start the day with a whole-school assembly to celebrate our leaving students and families, sing carols and round off the year. 
  • Friday 16th December - 3:15pm: Year 6 students will sing their graduation song at an end of the day assembly. Students dismissed at 3:30pm.
  • Friday 16th December - Semester two reports will be sent home via Compass

Seesaw Ongoing Reporting

Our ongoing reporting continues this term with our teachers kept busy in the classroom, regularly uploading samples of learning for each child in Reading, Writing, Maths, Art and Performing Arts. 


By now, your child will have a pretty hefty portfolio of their work in class, demonstrating their progress during 2022 through photos, videos, audio recordings and written comments. 


Teachers (and sometimes the students themselves) have reflected on the learning that has taken place, highlighting the key points and setting out the next steps. 


As we approach the end of the year it is so great to be able to easily view the growth students have made in their learning by looking at the work samples shared from each term. Comparing a student's writing from term 1 to term 4 shows how hard they have worked and what an amazing job our teachers have done.

Term 1
Term 4
Term 1
Term 4

Make sure you jump online and have a look at the learning that has taken place (and don't forget to show, discuss and celebrate all of this directly with your child).


Teachers will continue to post learning across the term so if you identify some missing work this will be uploaded shortly.

A successful transition into 2023

We are currently right in the middle of creating class groupings for next year and, on Monday of next week, we will begin our transition process for next year.


Teachers are working hard to make groups for next year with the right balance of all manner of things and we will see them in action over the next 3 Monday mornings (14th, 21st and 28th November). Over the course of these sessions, teachers will observe, tweak, refine and hopefully perfect the groupings that will become our 2023 classes.


As a part of this process, students have chosen four friends that they believe they work well alongside and we aim to ensure that they will be placed in a class next year with at least one of these friends. 


Occasionally parents have requests for class placements for the following year. Whilst we are unable to accept requests for a particular teacher, we are happy to try and accommodate reasonable requests.


If you have a request, please email me at 

Student Well Being- Tackling Trickly Coversations

The final 'Healthy Parents' webinar  for 2022 will be held on 17th November at 7.30 - 8.30pm. SKiPPS parents have reported that these webinars have been very informative and helpful. All of the three webinars are recorded and you are welcome to watch them again or at a later date in you are unable to join in on the night.