A message from the Principal

We are currently in the middle of the busiest term of the busiest year I can remember and the mood and energy around the school is so enthusiastic and positive at the moment.


With so much coming up and to look forward to, it is almost impossible to draw breath and reflect however, after the incredible success of our 2022 Celebration of the Arts last week, it is important that we do so.

Like so many of you who have taken the time to email me or talk to me, I was blown away by the quality of the musical, dance and vocal performances, the art show, the food and everything else! It even stayed dry and wasn't (too) cold. COTA 2022 was our first 'big' school community event since the Fete in March 2020 and it was so good to see that we haven't forgotten how to come together, have fun and celebrate our students' creativity and confidence in the intervening 32 months.


Later in the newsletter, Chantel and Stephen thank the long list of parents, staff members and community members who contributed so much to the event. I, however, want to thank them for being the biggest reasons behind such an amazing success. The way that they have worked hard, shown creativity on so many levels and demonstrated patience & enthusiasm is so impressive and we are lucky as a school to have such skilled and dedicated professionals working with our students.


Looking ahead, it is hard to believe that the school year finishes in less than six weeks. 


The rest of the newsletter contains details of the many things we have to look forward to, and make happen between now and the 19th December.


The biggest, and most exciting of these is the School Fete on the 19th November (less than 2 weeks away) and it promises to be another huge oportunity for the school community to come together, let our hair down, have fun and raise some important funds for the school.  Please read the Fete Update later in the newsletter for more information including, really importantly, a volunteer roster that has almost 100 names on it but is just over a third full. Please consider if you can help us out on the day for an hour or two (there is a volunteers-only 'happy hour' on offer at the Fete bar at the end of the day!).


Beyond the fete, we also have our Year 3/4 camp, Dads' Camp, Year 5/6 Hooptime, Graduation,  Final assemblies, Excursions, Incursions, Gymnastics, 2023 Transition sessions and so much more to fit into six weeks.


We will all deserve the summer holidays when we get there!



Neil Scott
