Sporting News 

Intermediate Boys Table Tennis have qualified for the State Finals 2022

After coming first in the Divisions Table Tennis tournament, the intermediate boys went to the Greater Dandenong Table Tennis Association to play the Regionals tournament. Going into it, all of us were excited to see the competition and ready to play our best. 


As some of us came a bit earlier, we had more time to warm up and gain a little confidence in our shots, which showed later on in our games. In our pool were Dromana Secondary College, Lyndale Secondary College, and the favourites to win, the almost unbeatable Melbourne High School. Playing the first round against Dromana, Eric and Shaurya were able to start our team off with victories in singles with the trend continuing, winning 6-0. In the second round, we also successfully beat 6-0 Lyndale and moved on to play against Melbourne High for the winning spot in Pool B, who would then play in the final against the winner of Pool A.


After a tight first game, I was able to beat Melbourne High's number 1 seeded player. Concurrently, Karry was able to earn our team a comfortable win against their seed 2. After this, Danny was narrowly defeated in a very close third seeded singles match, while Prnav secured our team a 3-1 lead, beating their seed 4. This meant that we only needed to win one doubles game to secure our place in the finals and Karry and I were able to pull through and conclude our matchup against Melbourne High as a victory! 


Winning our pool we then moved onto the grand final playoff match playing McKinnon Secondary College. Having already played against such a strong school in Melbourne High, we felt well warmed up and hopeful to win the finals, which we did! Nossal High School defeated  McKinnon Secondary College 4-2, meaning that we had successfully made it through to State finals. 


It was definitely a day to remember filled with intensity, excitement and fun. Once again, huge shout-out to the team (Karry, Danny, Prnav, Eric, and Shaurya), and congratulations to the intermediate girls team for also making it through to State Finals. Also, a big thanks to Mr Armistead, who made all of this possible by organising everything and all the support we received from people watching from all the other schools! Wishing the best of luck to my teammates and the inter-girls team in State Finals, let’s see if we can win the elusive blue pennant! 


Hopefully we can keep up our strong performance all the way through to the end on November 25! Go Nossal!


Leo Tran 

Year 10