IRC News 

Literature Circle Book Club

On Tuesday 22 November, Literature Circle Book Club gathered in the IRC for the last meeting for 2022. Students from all the year levels, as well as Ms Lal, Ms Lee-Ack, Ms Filips and Ms Ward partook in literary discussion ranging from treasured satirical pieces to dystopian government control, to the relationships between us as a society. The fascinating conversation provided insight into differing schools of thoughts and opinions, broadening participants’ horizons, literary and otherwise. Our musings were complemented by the generously offered snacks (crackers, dips, muffins, biscuits, and juice) that were passed around. 


Overall, the experience was wonderful, although tinged with sadness at seeing one of our most cherished and well-versed members participate for the last time.

Lola Sargasso, who attended despite having completed Year 12 exams already, once again brought many ideas to the table. Lola, as well as all the other departing Year 12s, will be missed deeply by Literature Circle Book Club, and we wish them all the best in their future literary endeavours.  

On behalf of Literature Circle, a big thank you to Ms Lal for all of her tireless efforts in coordinating the club. Throughout numerous meetings this year, Literature Circle has flourished with the participation of students and teachers. We highly encourage all students, whether you be a reluctant reader or a bibliophile, to join Literature Circle next year, reaping its many benefits and helping maintain it as the success it has been.    


Kuhu Sharma

Year 11