Principal's Report



Dear Collingwood College,


It's fitting that as I walked in the front door of school today, the sun was finally shining, and I could finally feel, for the first time, the summer warmth!


Now that we officially begin the summer holidays, there’s a genuine sense of excitement around the College.  Classes and exams have finished, and transition day/s, ECPs etc are complete, bringing about that sense of newness and opportunity for exciting education adventures to come in 2023.


I want to thank everyone, our students, our ES staff, our teachers and our parents for putting in incredible efforts over the year.  Learning tasks for 2022 classes have now been marked and reports are published in Compass – please spend some time going over these with your child at home to celebrate the learning they have achieved this year and to set some goals for improvement in 2023.


As mentioned earlier this week, we have a number of staffing changes in 2023.  The latest announcements include acknowledging Brendan Delany as Acting CAS leader and Sormeh Afkari who will be Acting Assistant Principal, Primary.


As we finish up another extremely busy year at Collingwood College, I want to thank our school community for working in partnership to support the learning and wellbeing of the students in our care.


This year has certainly thrown up its fair share of challenges and we know that next year will also present similar challenges as we manage life and learning in a post-pandemic world.


I wish you all a restful, joyful and safe summer holidays. I also look forward to sharing in the new adventures that 2023 will bring for us all.


Take care,


Sam Luck

College Principal

Collingwood College

Cromwell St & McCutcheon Way, Collingwood, Vic, 3066

Ph: 03 9412 7700