Year 9 Program: Careers Day

During the Year 9 Programs triple session on Tuesday 8th November, the year level explored different careers with interactive presentations in the gym, while discovering the options available for our year level in the near future. 


The presenters were from areas such as the beauty industry, engineering, mining, technology (maths and science), law, trade (electricians and builders) and the fitness industry in group fitness and personal training. While not all presentations interested each individual, it was clear that new interests and options seemed to open up, with the thought of each career opportunity being presented. 


The idea of part-time work and placement was explored and the opportunities and ways to embark on achieving the profession were discussed, such as an online course, work experience, placement, university, or TAFE.


Personally, I enjoyed listening and asking questions about the fitness industry and found it interesting to learn about the different branches which could lead to other professions. Although, I had thought about the fitness industry prior to the careers expo I found it interesting to explore further, different avenues than my initial interests.


Many of us are still uncertain about future careers, while others have a certain idea in mind at this stage about what they desire to achieve. It was an amazing insight for Year 9 to see and experience what is available for us. 


Thank you to all the presenters who took time out of their day to educate us about our future experience and job opportunities. 


Freya Nicoletti (9 Millward)



In Thursday's Year 9 Program, the Yr 9s experienced the knowledge of presenters that came into Girton to share their knowledge about their own careers and what inspired them to begin their dream job. 


We heard from a range of different careers which included people from the mining industry, law sector, electricians, and engineers just to name a few. We also learnt different things about universities such as Deakin University and Latrobe. TAFE also came in to speak which was an interesting conversation, they told us about their new facilities and the range of opportunities they offer. Latrobe also explained what made them different to other Universities which was very engaging.  Information they covered was that Latrobe have over 80 courses to choose from, these range from almost every topic including health, teaching, business, arts, law, and science. 


This experience has made me think more about what I want to do after my schooling and if I wanted to give online University a try or stick with in-school learning in an environment where I can put my learning into practice.


Zoe Holland (9 Jenkin)