Student Achievements

Kalinda Kids shine!

Kalinda Kids shine! 

Every day Kalinda kids are achieving great things in their classroom and yard, but we know that outside of school they are kicking goals as well (literally and figuratively)!


If your student has an achievement that you would like to share please send to Mrs. Hopkins so that we can celebrate them in the newsletter! Whether it is a sporting achievement, Karate grade, Cub badge or amazing new skill - we want to share it with our community. 

Scarlett inspires us all

Submitted by proud parents Scott and Karen


Scarlett turned 10 in July and for her birthday she wanted to use her birthday money to buy toiletries for the homeless and for those in need.  Scarlett had said she had everything she needed and wanted to do something for others for her birthday. Scarlett saved her money, went to the shops and chose the items she wanted to put in her packs.  She then assembled 12 packs of toiletries which included a toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, and a body wash. 


Scarlett decided to give these packs to a charity called Pinchapoo.  Pinchapoo is a national not-for-profit supplier of personal hygiene essentials and works with over 850 organisations and community groups to help thousands of disadvantaged men, women and children.  More recently they sent their toiletry packs to those displaced by floods. 

The head office is located in Bayswater North and Scarlett was fortunate to meet with Kate Austin, the founder of Pinchapoo.  


For anyone wanting further information on this wonderful charity please go to their website,

It was great to see the smile on Scarletts face knowing that she had helped others in need.