
Leading Teacher Communication

Dear Parents/Carers,   

Welcome to week 3. As we commence Term 4 just a few notifications and reminders.

  • A reminder to all parents and caregivers NOT to send food to school that contains nuts, this includes peanut butter or paste, nutella, snack pack nuts as well as foods containing nuts. We have students in our school with food allergies such as – anaphylaxis to nuts. These reactions can be triggered by contact, ingestion or inhalation. There is also a huge concern in regard to contamination of equipment whether this is play equipment, desks or other classroom materials. Your support in this matter is greatly appreciated. 
  • All personal items such as lunchboxes, drink bottles, hats and clothing must be clearly labelled with your child's full name. If you do have any belongings or items of clothing that do not belong to your child please can I ask for you to return them to school. For safety reasons all containers and drink bottles must be plastic, please do not send any items to school that are metal or glass including flasks.
  • All medication must be kept in the office. Parents are requested to hand their child’s medication to office staff, who will be responsible for administering medication, with the following details clearly marked with: Child’s Name, Name of Medication, dosage, time and frequency of administration and Name of prescribing doctor. Medication Administration forms can be downloaded here and copies are also available from the office. Parents are encouraged to administer medication at home as much as possible and to ensure that updated medical plans are supplied to the school and emailed to myself. 
  • If your child has cold-like symptoms or is unwell please can you ensure that your child remains at home until they are better.  
  • Reminder to parents that school drop off time is between 8:20-8:50am and collection is 2:30-2:50pm. Please ensure that you are on time to drop off and collect your child. Outside of these times you will need to sign in and drop off or collect your child at the main office. Emergency supervision is provided from 2:50-3:00pm, please notify your child’s teacher in advance if you are running late so duty of care arrangements can be made.
  • To assist with our organisation in ensuring correct dismissal arrangements are in place for your child. Please can you confirm your current arrangements or notify your child's class teacher of any changes. This will help to ensure that your child is ready for collection in the event of an early departure. 
  • Lastly, a reminder that Friday 4th November is a Staff Development Day (student free day), therefore students are to remain at home. Should you have any further questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your ongoing support. 

Kind regards,

Mrs Catherine Goodwill

 High Support Needs Leading Teacher


 Phone: 0418360004


Early Stage 1 & Stage 1

Dear Parents and Carers, 

We have had a busy start to the term and as a team we are pleased with how well all students have settled back into the classroom routine. All students are working hard and are attempting to complete tasks to the best of their ability. Please see below a summary of the various learning focuses for the next fortnight. 


Kind regards, 

Mrs Natasha Narain

High Support Needs Specialist Teacher

Phone: 0474 280 557  



Literacy: During literacy students will be exploring a range of texts through shared and guided reading activities. In shared reading, students will be learning how to make predictions based on illustrations, identify the main character, explore new vocabulary, understand the structure and make connections to other texts. In shared reading, students will continue to extend their understanding of letter-sound relationships and sight word knowledge. For writing, students continue to learn and develop their fine motor skills, writing behaviours and basic sentences.

  • Numeracy: In numeracy galleries, students will be developing their understanding of whole numbers. They will be working on counting to 30 and reading and representing numbers 1-20. This week students will be developing their addition and subtraction skills by learning how to combine, separate and compare various objects. 
  • Drumbeat: Students have been and will continue to learn about pattern, speed, tone and sound. They are learning how to make a pattern by comparing various sounds and speeds. They are enjoying listening to their peers' patterns and mirroring. 
  • Religion: During religion, students will be learning how God the father is present to all in our world and that God loves me for who I am. We will explore stories of creation to educate the students on how God created the world and human life.


Stage 2, 3 & 4       

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Welcome back to Term 4! We have a very busy but exciting term ahead of us. 

We have had a very settled return back to Arrunga, with everyone falling back into routine and helping each other. We are very excited to welcome our newest student joining our class who has been welcomed with open arms by the class. 

Everyone has been very eager to engage with our learning, we cannot wait to see where this term takes us. Please see below a brief outline of our learning goals for the coming fortnight. 

Kind regards,

 Mrs Brooke Bowden

 High Support Needs Specialist Teacher

Phone: 0491 974 038

Miss Isabel North

High Support Needs Specialist Teacher                

Email:    Phone: 0408 321 594                                                         



  • Literacy: During literacy for the next fortnight we will be exploring recounts and sequencing of events. We will be reading some recount style books and discussing the sequence of events by using words such as ‘first, next, then, after’. For our writing tasks, we will be continuing with recounts by writing our own recounts. We will also be reinforcing and building fine motor skills with the continuation of ‘Fine Motor Friday’ during our writing block. This will be to encourage handwriting.  
  • Numeracy: Students showed retained knowledge of their time telling ability, on analogy clocks. We also did refreshments on AM and PM activities and sequencing of events during their day. I love students' enthusiasm for our Friday Kahoot games continuing the week's learning on a fun and positive note. 
  • Religion: Our Religion focus for this fortnight is on being kind, caring and respectful members of the community. This will be reinforcing our Catholic values of community and common good. This will lead into how God gave us all gifts that we can use to make our community stronger. 
  • PDHPE: Linking in with our Big Book week 1, and the return to school after the holidays, learning has been centred around Feelings. What are they?, how can we identify them, and what can we do to help manage our feelings. We will then move onto body parts and public and private places. 


  • Remind students to keep theirs and others personal space
  • Renforce private places (bathrooms and bedrooms)
  • Revisit and read through with your child at home the social stories which have been uploaded to their Seesaw account. 
  • Encourage reading of guided readers at home using the PMe app. Please contact if there are any difficulties accessing PMe from home. 
  • Identify and name emotions and use calming jar strategies such as deep breathing, colouring in, and exercise.


  • If you need to contact your child's teacher, please be aware that teachers are face to face with students during the day and will respond to your inquiries as soon as possible. For all urgent matters please direct your inquiries to the main college office on (02) 9854 3100
  • Please ensure that your child has a drink bottle and a hat every day.
  • All items and personal belongings including lunchboxes and drink bottles need to be clearly labelled with their name 
  • School drop off time is between 8:20-8:50am and collection is 2:30-2:50pm. Please ensure that you are on time to drop off and collect your child. Outside of these times you will need to sign in, drop off or collect your child at the main office. 
  • If your child is unwell they should remain at home. If they present as being unwell they will be escorted to the main office sick bay and you will be called to collect them.