PALs - Play at Lunchtimes

Play at Lunchtimes (PALs) is a program in which students from Year 5 are trained as PALs leaders to organise games for younger students in the schoolyard at lunchtime. This leadership role commences in Year 6. At Greenwith Primary School, we run a very successful PALs program and our younger students enjoy the play-based games with the PALs mentors. 


We recently held our training day for our selected 2023 PALs Mentors. Our new 2023 PALs mentors are:

Oscar B


Ruby D


Zoey HNatalia LRegan MCooper PIsabelle S

Hollee B


Ruby E


Indie JLucas LJack MChloe ROscar S

Lahni B


Safiyah EK


Jeriel JElise LMilli NAdele RSofia S

Zoe B


Joslin E


Jayden J-KAlexis MAmelia NIsabella RAiden W

Jordana B


Alia F


Chelsea KAlyssa MRiley PJessie SBriley W

Tahlia C


Stephanie GTaylah KAmelia MAshley PSophie SNoah Y

Caleb C


Lillie HJaden KJaxon MJeana PRyder SSienna Y

Layla D


Hollee HHannah LElise MOwen PQuinn S 

We look forward to them starting their PALs role and working with our younger students. 


Sienna Y, Sophie S, Lahni B and Alexis M have provided a recount of the recent training day that our new PALs participated in: 


On the 16th of November, the current Year 5 students that applied to be a PALs mentors in 2023, attended a training session with Mrs Howard and Angus. PALs means 'Play at Lunchtimes', a program run at GPS for Year 6 students to support the Foundation to Year 2 students to help them get involved with games and build social and friendship skills. Throughout the session, we learnt various games and warm-ups that the new PALs leaders will be able to use to teach the junior primary students next year. We also learnt how to modify the games for different students' capabilities.


The Year 5 students also had to have good socialising skills so that we were able to work together as a group as well as learn the games and get along with one another. The Foundation and Year 1 students from 1303 and 1304 were also able to come along and help us practise the games that the Year 6’s will be able to use in 2023. We broke up into 8 different groups and enjoyed playing these games and doing them with the younger students.


We look forward to helping the younger children make sure that they have fun and that we provide good opportunities to make friends and socialise. 


Thank you Mrs Howard and Angus for your time in teaching us the skills of being PALs leaders next year.


Sienna Y, Sophie S, Lahni B and Alexis M

Year 5 Students - Selected PALs Mentors for 2023