Student Leader's Report for Governing Council Meeting

Term 4, Week 4



Good evening, my name is Amelia and my name is Madi. Welcome to the Term 4 week 4 Governing Council meeting.


Some of the positive events that have been happening this term include:



In math, the younger years have been learning about fractions and data whilst the older years have learnt about data and algebra also known as variables.



In English the year 5-6's have been learning about multiple things, one of them known as past-tense text's. The younger years have been learning about narratives and how to write one.


Sports/ Sapsasa:

Some of the 5, 6 classes have been buddied up with some of the younger years and have been participating in the Mascot challenge. The Mascot challenge includes multiple different challenges such as learning how to throw, catch and bounce. Some other positive events include Footsteps, a program where students get to learn multiple different dances and dance moves. Some Sapasa events that have happened include the football carnivals, girls cricket and boys basketball.



Although we don't have art as a specialist subject this year classes have made sure they still incorporate some creative things during their week for example some of the 13 block have been doing Guided drawings of the queen as a honor of her passing. The whole school did a bookmark competition where we got to create a bookmark for book week and people ended up winning prizes for the best bookmark in their year level.


Older Primary:

Some of the things the older primary have gotten up to in this past Term have included, highschool transitions, highschool meetings, Choir concerts and getting organized for camp that is in week 6.


Early Years:

The early years have been getting up to many different and exciting activities and some of these include learning and planting seeds, learning about bengal tigers and information texts and some more exciting news include the 13 block getting 3 new teachers (Miss. Brooke, Miss. Michelle and Miss. Kirsten).


Hiragana Competition:

In Week 2, Term 4, 9 students were fortunate enough to attend the Hiragana Competition and I was one of those students. We had 4 people in the team and Miss Toomey was able to choose 5 reserves because Greenwith Primary school hosted the competition in the 14 block. Greenwith came 3rd with a 1 point difference for 2nd. The competition was very tight the entire time and everyone had an amazing time.

What has been happening at GPS recently:

  • Sapsasa
  • Tag rugby (both girls and boys)
  • Basketball (Boys)
  • Cricket (Girls)
  • Girls football 
  • Golden grove high school touch footy
  • State hiragana competition
  • World teachers day
  • Greenwith kindy transitions
  • Minister for education awards for children's week
  • Pupil free day

Our role as Student Leaders


Some of my roles as a student leader include running assemblies, running Student Voice, helping out with grasshoppers and attending governing council meetings such as this one. I enjoy many things as a student leader and I'm very fortunate to have the role, the thing I enjoy the most from this role is the amazing opportunities I get such as being a compere for the Children's Minister of Education Awards. 



Some things I do as a student leader include: 

1. Run assemblies

2. Grasshoppers

3. Kindy transitions

4. Student Voice

5. Hand out things and give information