What's Happening at CHPS
Landcare Grant
We’re excited to announce that Croydon Hills Primary School is one of 110 childcare centres, schools, Scouts and Girl Guides groups, and youth groups to receive a 2022 Victorian Junior Landcare and Biodiversity Grant.
Delivered through Landcare Australia’s Junior Landcare program, the grants provide young people with the opportunity to engage in outdoor, hands-on biodiversity focused projects or learning activities that encourage them to value and actively care for Victoria’s biodiversity and natural environment.
We have received a $5000 grant for a project to improve local biodiversity, by recreating a native grassland.
Titled Yurunga, Buarth Gurru, which roughly translates as Under the trees, grass flowering. The project is focused on revitalising the northern entry to the school from Yurunga. The valley between the soccer field and netball courts will be landscaped and planted out with native and indigenous grasses and trees.
We are looking forward to the Eco Captains and the garden club getting their hands dirty and developing ownership as they invest in this project.
The whole area will be bordered by a crushed rock path for use as part of our cross-country course. The school is also going to build a feature fence with new signage and redo the asphalt path, providing a grand entry to the school and separating the school grounds from council land.
The Victorian Junior Landcare and Biodiversity Grants are funded by the Victorian Government through the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. They contribute to the targets of Protecting Victoria’s Environment – Biodiversity 2037, the Victorian Government’s plan to stop the decline of our native plants and animals and improve our natural environment.
Steve Crook - Science / Sustainability
Exciting Performing Arts News!
Our annual Christmas concert is back again, hopefully bigger and better than ever on December 6th at 6pm. All students will meet their teacher at 5:45pm on the Senior Oval to find their seats, ready to begin the performance at 6pm sharp. Students must stay with the their teacher for their duration of the performance to ensure everything runs smoothly.
Students will be dismissed at the conclusion of the performance by their classroom teacher.
In terms of dress code, it is simple, keep it festive! Students can wear anything that is Christmas themed.
It is going to be a fun filled night with music, food sold by CHAPS and special effects by our incredible science team. As always if you have any questions feel free to get in touch with Mr King, via compass or email.
Brodie King - Performing Arts
Food For Families
This year we are again proud to join with Uniting in collecting non-perishable food items to brighten the Christmas period for families in need. Collection boxes are in the foyer for our community to leave donations of non-perishable foodstuffs and personal care products, which will be distributed through Uniting in the weeks before Christmas.
We thank our families for their continuing generosity.