News of the Week

by Sass, Ella, Chris, Zak, Marcel, Tess & Sophie
Hello to all the parents, carers and friends of St Brigid's and welcome to the Public Relations Teams Newsletter for Term 4.
This week we hope you have been able to go outside and enjoy the sunshine because last week we were stuck inside with the rain! This week we will be talking about all the sports that have been happening in school, and some other things!
Softball Results -
On the 2nd of November some of the 5/6 boys played softball in the District Competition. After a great team effort we came 3rd. Unfortunately only the top 2 teams went through to the next round! There were 9 teams so a position of 3rd overall was really good! We lost 2 matches but won 2 as well. Well done to all the boys who participated in the District Competition. - By Sophie and Ella
Futsal Soccer Results -
Last week on Thursday some of the Year 6's went to Knox to play Futsal (like indoor soccer) against schools all around the Mordialloc district. We played 3 games and the girls won all three games. The boys played well but sadly didn't win any games. We all had a great day even though the weather was not very kind to us! - By Chris
Happy Halloween -
Happy Halloween! Last Friday was Halloween. We hope you all had a great Halloween and got lots of treats, even if it was raining.
In FB we had a some children write about what they did for Halloween.
Allegra P dressed up as a zombie nurse when she went trick or treating. Ben C went as a T-rex. After trick or treating he said he ate lots of lollies and went on a sugar rush!
Sonny C from FD dressed up as a Grim Reaper on Halloween and went trick or treating with his friends and family.
At school we made a paper aeroplane that looked like a bat. It could even fly and it was really cool. - By Marcel
POSI Socks -
In the past week our school has been doing the Posi socks program and trying to create good habits in just 21 days. We are so glad to see everybody wearing their Posi socks on sport days and we hope by the end of the 21 days we all would make good habits. POSI Schools Website. - By Marcel
Museum Excursion -
On Tuesday the 25th October, the Year 5/6’s went to the Melbourne Museum and we had the best fun. My favourite part was the IMAX theatre where we watched a movie about space in 3D glasses. We also got to go see the triceratops statue (which we weren’t actually supposed to see!) and it was amazing. - By Sophie
What have we been learning?
Foundation -
In English, we have been learning how fruits and vegetables grow. In Religion, we have been learning the story of the Good Samaritan. In Writing, we wrote sentences about swans.
Grade 1/2-
In English we have been learning about fiction and nonfiction. In Maths we have been learning about multiplication. In Writing we have learnt about colourful semantics.
Year 3/4-
In Inquiry we have been learning about day and night and how it forms. In Maths we have been learning about graphs and the different types such as pie graphs, line graphs, data graphs and picture graphs. In Reading groups we have been doing reading comprehension.
Year 5/6-
In Writing we are learning to write poems about natural phenomenon. In Grammar we are learning to use clauses. In Maths we have been learning decimals, fractions and percentages. In Genius hour we are doing a unit on natural disasters.
Gymnastics Sport -
In P.E we have been learning all about gymnastics and the stretches to warm up. This was a 3 week program and we are so lucky to have Liam and Alana helping us. In Week One we did some floor routines, Week Two was some beam and Week Three was our final session and we did some bar activities. My favourite session was bars because I’ve always found that fun. - By Sophie
In ICT the Year 3/4 and 5/6s are doing claymation. They are doing a class competition where the best team with the best movie wins a mini trophy. Claymation is just like stop motion but with clay. We have been using the program MonkeyJam to make it. May the best movie win! - By Zak and Chris
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Our Year 3 Students are making their Sacrament of Reconciliation this Friday. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers.
Well done Iris and Taliah
Iris and Taliah have been very busy in Team Kids. After a recent discussion in Team Kids Culture Club where they learn about other countries around the world, the girls began thinking that there are many children in different countries that aren't as lucky as them. They thought it would be a lovely idea to donate some of their toys, clothing, pencils and canned goods to those less fortunate. They discussed their kind thoughts with Sandra, our Team Kids Co-ordinator, who agreed to support the girls in their mission. Tahlia and Iris then made a donation box. This box can be found in the entry of the Team Kids room. Families are welcome to leave donations. These donations will then be distributed to local and overseas charities.
Save the Date - 9 December Christmas Carols at St Brigid's & Christmas Market
It's a Boy!!
A big BLUE congratulations to Elaiza S in 1/2R, Belenda and Roland on the safe arrival of their precious baby boy "Noah" on Wednesday 2nd of November. I think Elaiza's beautiful smile says it all - she is very happy to be a BIG sister.
Scholastic Book Club
Orders close next Friday 18th of November. This is the last book club for 2022! Get your orders in for Christmas!
Yours in partnership
Wendy Sullivan