Education News 

Education Week Celebrations

Education week was celebrated May 19 to May 25. We opened the week with a surprise in the garden. The excitement was high and everyone had a theory. What did you think? Who did the briefcase belong to? Why was it there? This led to some great writing across the school. The BIG write allows the students to celebrate their writing.

Here are some excerpts from some of the students work. 

Muscular Dystrophy.

On the Friday 24th May  we held a special Superhero parade to raise awareness and funds for Muscular Dystrophy. The school was a sea of red and blue with other colours in between. See some fantastic photos here of the students and teachers in their costumes.


Next week on Thursday 6th June the whole school will be participating in a BIG Write. The genre for this week is a Recount. 

All families are encouraged to participate in the 'Big Talk' home  learning and discuss the topic and gather any ideas. 

A recount retells an experience or an event that happened in the past. The purpose of a recount can be to inform, entertain or to reflect and evaluate.  A recount can focus on a specific section of an event or retell the entire story.  A recount should always be told in the order that things happened. A recount can come in many forms; personal recount, factual, imaginative, procedural and literary recount.  A recount answers the 5W's - Who, What, Where, When, Why and a timeline of events.

Year 3/4 Museum Excursion

Year 3/4 students had a blast of a day at the Melbourne Museum on the 22nd of May. They toured many exhibitions, focusing primarily on the concept of change and Australian history to support their Guided Inquiry unit 'Into the Unknown'. The day was spent in wonderment and appreciation. Thanks to the amazing staff and parents who helped to make the excursion such an enjoyable & successful learning experience.

Cooperative learning

Working in our table teams, 4B have been making the most of our awesome team packs while learning all about Pairs Compare and Rally Coach. This week we analysed photographs using our inferencing skills in preparation for Big Write through a Rally Coach, during this activity Partner A wrote down one conclusion they made about the picture and swapped with Partner B until they filled the whiteboard with ideas. Another collaborative learning activity we completed this week was a fraction Pairs Compare where students worked with their shoulder partner to compile a list of equivalent fractions and then they compared them with another pair of students to generate a larger list.