On Tuesday 4 February, we completed the ‘Paper Tower Activity’. We were told to form a group of four and to then use three A3 sheets of paper and one meter of tape to create the tallest tower we could out of paper. We had to make the tower stand on its own so our group decided to cut the three A3 sheets into nine different long strips and roll them into cylinders. Then we stacked five of the cylinders on top of each other. We automatically knew that the cylinders would not stand on their own, so we came up with the idea to take the four other cylinders and tape them against our first paper tier.

This idea allowed us to balance all the layers on our paper tower and let the tower stand on its own. By the end, our tower was 1.83m tall, betting our nearest rival by 68cm. We were very proud of our tower and had lots of fun making (and destroying it).


Lani Hammam, Jana Lange, Abi Shelly and Mischa Murray

Year 8 Students