Home Learning Updates

Here is a snapshot of Sacred Heart's first two weeks of home learning.  Information will be rotated from the various classes during the coming weeks. 


This week the Foundation children and families have done a fantastic job using Seesaw for their online learning.  They have been sending in some wonderful work and it’s great to see the children’s smiling faces and to hear happy voices.  They have been counting forwards by 1s using a 100 chart, writing about their holidays and learning about the letter Nn.  It’s been great to see the children dressing up for ‘Fun Friday’.  We saw Nemo, some nails, nurses, necklaces and ninjas just to name a few.   The children have been listening to a song called Thank You God and some have even set up a ‘sacred space’ in their home.      

Ms. K O'Sullivan & Mrs. V Tartaglia

Judd Wellington's prayer corner, Lincoln Bamford getting ready for some outside exercise, Noah McConnaughie making a necklace for the focus on letter Nn, Shaylee Hill received the Star Student for working hard in completing all tasks with enthusiasm and Emily Worm also received the Star Student for trying her best with the Seesaw learning.

3/4 Petrie Borzillo

Welcome back to Term 2...at home!

We are so proud of our class and the way they have positively and resiliently approached their online learning. They are experiencing so many new ways to learn and share their work. Here are a few work examples and awesome working spaces. 

Thanks to all the families who have made this transition a smooth one!

Mrs. Borzillo. & Mrs. Petrie