
Term 1 

Welcome to Prep! What a wonderful start to the term we have had. This year our school theme is BELONG. We promote this concept throughout the year, in our curriculum, celebrations and as a word that brings us together. Belong, coincidentally is also the focus theme for the year in our Parish. 

The Preps have been introduced to the expectations of school life and how we show respect to self, others and property. We have identified places to play around the school, how we can ask to play with other people and how to spot students who might need a friend. 


We look forward to seeing you all at our ‘Meet and Greet’ interviews this week. The school newsletter is sent out on a Monday every fortnight. It will keep you in the loop with all that is going on at St John’s. These newsletters contain important dates, special days and updates. Please let us know if you have not received a Newsletter yet. 


The Preps eat a fruit/vegetable snack each morning around 10am. Food should be chopped into small pieces as students do not have a long time for this snack. Please bring a named drink bottle to school every day. It is also best to make sure your child can open and close their own lunch box and drink bottle as we have noticed many students are needing assistance with this. Just a reminder that students need to have only four items in their lunch box as there are 3 opportunities to eat. Please be aware that some children have nut allergies and cannot come into contact with these foods. Thank you for your understanding with this. 

Book Bags:

Our blue book bags need to be brought to and from school each day. They are used for notices and reminders, so please check them each day when they come home. At school they live in our ‘book bag locker.’


Hats will stay at school and are to be worn daily. Hats will come home at the end of Term 1 and will need to be worn again in Term 4. 


Good communication between home and school is a vital aspect of your child’s learning. We regularly use email correspondence and are often available before and after school for any queries you have. Please come and see us at any time and know there are no ‘silly questions!’

We will endeavour to answer emails within 24 hours during weekdays.


Bucket Filling and the 3 Rs:

The Preps have learnt that everyone has an invisible bucket. The bucket fills up when people say or do nice things and is emptied when people are mean or they feel sad. At St. John’s we all want to be bucket fillers, not bucket dippers. This concept of ‘filling up a bucket’ runs through the whole school and encourages positive behaviour and interactions with others. At our core are the 3Rs - Respect Ourselves, Respect Others and Respect Property. This is a song we have watched to help us understand bucket filling.

Specialist Classes:

Preps will do Sport (Physical Education) on Tuesdays and will need to wear runners and their sports uniform (polo top and sport shorts). They will do library borrowing on Thursdays where students can borrow 1 or 2 books per week provided they have returned their previous books. On Fridays they will do Art and Performing Arts.


Important Dates:

We look forward to seeing you at the Prep Family Welcome Dinner, which is hosted by Year 1 families and the Parents Association. It will be at 5pm on Tuesday 18 February. Siblings are welcome!

We will discuss the Prep curriculum with you in depth at our Prep Information Night at 7pm on 4 March.

Thank you for supporting us as we work with your children. 

Contact Details

Download the 'Skoolbag App'  to your phone from the App Store to receive communication updates.


Naomi Ryan (nee Curtis) au

Shannon Kearns au