
Communicating with the Foundation Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2020, and welcome your input: 

Holly Peters (Class FA)

Lisa Dam (Class FB)

Holly Peters- Class FA
Lisa Dam- Class FB
Holly Peters- Class FA
Lisa Dam- Class FB

An Overview of our Learning


What have we been covering in Mathematics this term, and why?

In mathematics this term we have covered topics from the strands of Number and Algebra and Measurement and Geometry. This is because number awareness is a foundational skill required to being applying mathematical reasoning to problem solving. 


Number and Algebra

This term, students have been focusing on developing their number sense. They have been learning all about the numbers 1-20, ordering them forwards and backwards. Students are consolidating skills of connecting the number names, numerals and quantities of numbers through a variety of hands on activities and games. We have been explicitly teaching the formation of the numerals 0 to 10 to ensure that students are writing them correctly. Every day we have been recording the number of days we have been at school in preparation for our ‘100 days of school’.


Measurement and Geometry

In Measurement and Geometry, we have been describing, sorting and drawing two-dimensional shapes and finding them in our immediate environment. We have also been exploring the different features of these basic shapes. Students have also been focusing on learning the days of the week in order and connecting these days to familiar events.


How have concepts been delivered?

Students have been participating in a variety of enriching and relevant learning activities, which allow them to develop their counting skills. These include hands-on, open-ended investigative tasks, games using dice, use of concrete materials, songs, numbers in action obstacle course and bookwork. We have utilised the data collected from the early years assessment interview to assist in our planning to develop differentiated ability based targeted teaching.


What are the underlying proficiencies which we have been focussing upon?

The proficiencies of Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning are fundamental to learning mathematics and working mathematically and are applied across all three strands Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry, and Statistics and Probability.

This term in Foundation, we have been focusing on the proficiency of Understanding. Students have been learning how to describe their mathematical thinking and interpret mathematical information.