Curriculum- Teaching and Learning

School Wide Teaching and Learning

In each edition of our school newsletter, we share with our community an insight into the curriculum being taught within our classrooms. This reflects our school's strong focus upon continuous improvement. 

Each edition covers a different area of the curriculum, and is supported by our school-wide approaches to teaching and learning. 

Mathematical Learning Across our School 

In this edition of the newsletter, each Level Leader provides our families with information as to the areas of Mathematics which students have been investigating this term. It is also wonderful to see that some of our younger students have taken the opportunity to enrich their learning through joining our senior students to take part in the 2020 Math Olympiad. 


This is linked closely to our school's Guiding Principles, which underpin our School Philosophy. 

Guiding Principles

The underpinning of our School Philosophy

Evidence-Based Learning

We deliver evidence-based learning for our students by actively engaging in professional learning, maintaining up-to-date assessment data, accessing reliable sources of professional information, utilising the School’s Data Centre to document achievements, actions, and evidence through school-wide data tools.



We work as a school-wide team of professionals to provide consistency in daily routines and structures for our students.



The actions of the adults in our school are predictable, compassionate, calming, and supportive at all times.



We provide our students with an orderly learning environment, which is free of clutter, reflects current student achievements, and promotes a collective responsibility for shared learning spaces.


Reinforcement of desirable learning behaviours

We work hard to acknowledge on-task learning behaviours, and encourage students to regulate their learning through the Berry Street Educational Model.



We act promptly to support all students, staff, and community members, through providing timely information. We take action with a positive mindset, informing relevant others of our actions, and promoting a collective responsibility for student learning.

What's the Curriculum focus coming up in the next edition of the newsletter?

In the next edition of our newsletter, we will be sharing information on the Inquiry Focus for our units of learning in Term Two.