Student Voice

National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence- Harmony and Kindness

Unfortunately, due to restrictions on the gathering of people within enclosed spaces we have been unable to proceed with our planned events to mark these days. A circular has been sent to all schools with a "watch this space" message for a reconvening of the event. 


​​​The National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence (NDA) is an important day to mark Australian school communities standing together against bullying and violence. In 2020, the date for schools is Friday 20 March 2020.

Throughout 2020, our school's SWPBL Leaders (Teagan W, Frankie A, Maya B, Zane W) will be working with a team of teachers to promote "kindness" and "acceptance of others" across our school. 

The first action which our student leaders have undertaken is to check that the shared learning spaces in each year level have posters up advertising "Bullying. No Way!". They are also researching the NDA website to look at activity ideas and resources to help ensure a fantastic day of positive action. 



To check out some of the ideas and events visit: 


In celebration of promoting "kindness", our School Choir will also be singing a "Harmony Day" song at our school-wide assembly on Monday 16th March. At this assembly, our SWPBL Leaders will also be speaking about the importance of celebrating individual differences across our community.