Health & Physical Education

Communicating with the Specialist Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2020, and welcome your input:

Justin Scicluna (Health & Physical Education)

Justin Scicluna
Justin Scicluna

An Overview of our Learning

Foundation: Students in the foundation area have progressed with developing their fundamental motor skills. Over the last two weeks, the focus has been on the underarm throw using the Tik, Tok, Step and Rock method. To practise this skill, students have moved through different stations using a variety of different objects.


Year One-Two: The children in these year levels have moved to the overarm throw skill, using the strongman/girl technique. They have practised this during a variety of different games, some of which included the Indigenous Culture. The key moving forward will be to continue to develop student’s techniques and accuracy when throwing.


Year Three-Six: The students in these year levels completed their first portfolio task that involved the research and character profile of an Aboriginal Sports Star. Further to this, students had to select an Indigenous Sports game and describe how it was played. 


The Rugby League Stars program will taking place in Term Two and students have the opportunity to enrol into the program that will run after schools at a cost of $49. To view more information about the program visit the below link


Regional Swimming Carnival: On the 13th March, thirteen of our students represented the school at the Regional Swimming Carnival. To make it to this level was a fantastic achievement in itself and all of the students should be super proud of their efforts. Whilst we did not have anyone progress through to the next stage the students achieved some great results against serious competition and larger schools.

Thank you to all of the parents who came and supported the students on the day, we really appreciate it very much.

Well done Upwey South!


Upcoming Events:  Upwey South School Cross Country Event 17/04/2020 to be held within the Upwey Sth grounds. (TBC)