Principal's Message

Thank you to our School Community

Over the past fortnight there has been a saturation of media reports which families are being asked to consume... and try to make sense of. These media reports are linked to the current Covid-19 (coronavirus) situation, and are a reflection of the unprecedented challenge which is currently facing communities on a global scale. 


 It is important that you are aware that the intent of this newsletter is not to add to the media saturation regarding coronavirus. There are currently no known cases, or suspected cases, of coronavirus within our school community.


The intent of this newsletter is to: 

Provide you with clear and concise information regarding teaching and learning at Upwey South Primary School over the past fortnight; and to celebrate the achievements of our school community. 

However, given the current situation it is important that, as the Principal, I provide some commentary regarding our school community's experiences to date. 


Thank you to our School Community


Firstly, we would like to acknowledge our amazing school community. As a Principal who is heavily involved in the day-to-day delivery of curriculum, I am fortunate to interact with students, staff and families. The following are notable highlights to come out of the current situation: 


- Parents have visited teachers with flowers, cards and other tokens of appreciation to say "thank you" for the ongoing support you are providing my child. 


- Staff are motivated to continue to provide a high-quality curriculum, and have stepped-up to accommodate a variety of learning arrangements; both at home and school.


- Students have been thoughtful and supportive of each other, and their teachers. They have shown kindness through their actions, and a willingness to be respectful of changes in their current routine. 


What is our role as a School in the current environment?


As a staff we have held a number of briefings to discuss the importance of remaining focused upon our core business. We see our role as two-fold: 


1) To provide our students with "normality" in their daily routines. We are aware that many students are experiencing interrupted access to their sporting pursuits, dance classes, swimming lessons, scout camps, weekend activities, and so on. Hence, it is ever important that we provide normality through our daily interactions within the school and classrooms. 


2) To be respectful of diversity across our school community. Whilst continuing to provide learning as per normal, we are mindful that families have the right to make decisions which address the needs of their personal circumstances. Therefore, as a staff we will  continue to accommodate and support families within our means, whilst adhering to Department of Education and Training (DET) directives. 


In support of the above, we endeavor to provide you with clear, concise information which is relevant to our school community. 


Whilst the current situation may inevitably present challenges, it also presents an opportunity for us to be kind and take care of each other. It presents the opportunity for our school community to shine, and to put into action our School Values of Respect, Responsibility, and Resilience. 

Upwey Mens Shed (UMS) Proposal- 56 Griffiths Road, Upwey

In the last edition of our newsletter (06/03/2020) we made reference to the proposed establishment of an Upwey Mens Shed (UMS) at 56 Griffiths Road, Upwey. 

Our school community are being provided with an extended timeline to provide input.

In short, Yarra Ranges Council is considering a submission from UMS to establish a facility on the above mentioned block.

Last week, a meeting was held between representatives of Yarra Ranges Council, the current School Council President, and the Principal. At this meeting an agreement was reached that the school community would be provided with an extended timeline in which to garner views and opinions of families. 


This extended timeline shows that the Yarra Ranges Council wish to hear further from our school community, before making a decision at a Yarra Ranges Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday 12th May 2020. 


How to make a submission


For those community members who wish to have their input considered, you are asked to make a submission in writing. Please be aware that the guidelines below are only relevant to members of our school community:  


1) Read the attached document "FAQs UMS Proposal" and the attached document "UMS submission  compilation-redacted-pg75-119"

2) Should you wish to make a submission, send an email to with the Subject Line "UMS Proposal Submission". Please include the following information within your email: 

- your full name and postal address

- your child's class and name

Submissions can be emailed prior to 4:00pm Friday 10th April 2020.  


What will the school do with the submissions?


The School Principal will collate all submissions, and provide these as raw data to Yarra Ranges Council, along with a summary document. 

Keeping Aware of Information Relating to School

As a school we work hard to keep our families informed of happenings across the school. We acknowledge that receiving information in a timely and consistent manner can help to alleviate the pressures which come from managing a busy family calendar. 

Communicating via Compass

All of our school notifications are sent via the Newsfeed within the Compass app. There is also a calendar of events within the app, which sends push notifications to users to remind them of school events. 


In 2020, we are also utilising Compass for families to consent and pay in order for their children to take part in school events. The uptake and comments from families thus far is that it is so easy to do, and helpful to be able to consent at the push of a button. 


In order to filter notifications which are received, you will notice that we send out notifications which are year level specific. This means that sometimes not all notifications are sent to all year levels. 

Communicating with the School Administration Team

We look forward to partnering with you in 2020, and welcome your input: 

Damien Kitch (Principal)

Janet Young (Business Manager)

Janette Clarke (Office Manager)