Around the College 

A New Start

Welcome to our students who have joined our college in 2023. It was fantastic to welcome the 180 strong Year 7 cohort on Wednesday, looking fantastic in their uniform. Our Year 7s spent their first day getting to know each other, their Head of House and pastoral teachers during their library and ICT induction sessions. It has been pleasing to see them all trying their best to follow their timetables, find their way and also use their combination locks. I want to thank their families for cooperating with me over the past 18 months during their transition to ensure we are ready to best support them. 


I also want to welcome the other 41 students who have joined Nazareth in Years 8-11 from other secondary colleges. We are so happy to have you here with us and we look forward to watching you all thrive in your new environment. 


Remember to take every opportunity, get involved with the life of the college and most importantly, be yourself!  


Ms Emilia Roberts

Transition Coordinator





Year 9 Camp

Last week the majority of the Year 9 cohort spent three days down at the YMCA Anglesea. The staff and students both enjoyed the many activities on offer such as Canoeing, Vertical Challenge, Skateboarding, Surfing, Swimming and/or Boogie boarding, Mountain Biking, Giant Swing, Initiatives, night walk and trivia night.

The weather wasn’t what we ordered but we were still able to continue with the program. Despite the cooler conditions everyone had a great time. I would like to thank the students for having a go and being positive. There were a few stand outs, and I asked each group leader to nominate only one student per group for best participation (I was under fire as I was told that for some groups many certificates could have been given)!  Congratulations to the following students:

Group 1- Paige Liston

Group 2- Steven Kuany

Group 3- Santiago Pino Valle

Group 4- Angelina Manolis

Group 5- Amelia Pisimisi

Group 6- Dean Blias

Group 7- Ovindee Nagodawithana

Group 8- Tayah Doan


A big thank you goes to the staff who gave up their time and came on camp with me.

Mr Nathan, Ms Trustum, Ms Venturini, Mr Chan, Mrs Blake, Mr Brasher, Ms Dekker, Mr Diaz, Mr Brenton, Mr Robert, Mr Ripper and Ms Nogueira, as well as Mr Ziegeler who was our First Aider. They did an incredible job supporting, encouraging students and participating in the activities too.   


Ms Sue Formanek

Camp Coordinator