A message from our Principal

Dear St. Brendan's School Community,
It is hard to believe another school year is nearly ended. We have had a great year with children being at school nearly all year and parents back on site. We did have a week off school due to floods and felt for the families who were affected.
Our children have proven to be resilient, confident and happy. They have enjoyed being at school with teachers and friends, and luckily all class groups attended camp or excursions.
Year 3/4 are attending a camp at Beechworth today and tomorrow and were very excited this morning.
Our Year 6 students have had a great year with their teachers and friends. They have shown to be very good role models and kind and caring to their buddies. We wish them every success at Secondary School and hope they will remember their time at St. Brendan's fondly.
'Thankyou Year 6 students for your great contribution to our school'.
To the Leadership Team, Joel Brian (Deputy Principal), Leanne Pellegrino (Catholic Identity Leader) and Learning and Teaching Leaders, Cal Thompson, John Howley and Matt Cameron for their passion, work ethic and support they give to me. I'm very grateful.
To our amazing staff, words cannot express my gratitude. It's a pleasure to work with such dedicated, positive people.
We farewell our staff leaving:
Matt Cameron is moving to Greater Shepparton College to pursue a career teaching Secondary students. Thanks Matt for your work as Junior Learning and Teaching Leader and for your work as a classroom teacher in Year 1/2. Good luck.
Mark Almond is moving to St. Anne's. Many thanks Mark for your 14 years at St. Brendan's as an Art teacher and classroom teacher. We thank you for your work here and wish you every success at St. Anne's.
Alicia Jones, who is having her third baby shortly. Thanks Alicia, you will be missed at our school and we wish you all the best for the safe arrival of your baby.
Tristan Dyminski is moving to Shepparton East Primary School. Many thanks Tristan for your work with the Year 5 and 6 students this year. Good luck for the future.
Sarah Kenny, thank you for your work as a Learning Support Aide in the Junior Years.
Good luck for the future.
We also announce the leaving of Tim Kelly. Tim has recently obtained a position as a classroom teacher at St. Luke's. We thank Tim for all his great work at our school. We wish you all the best.
We are organising a teacher in Tim's place and will notify parents as soon as possible.
Last Day of Term 4
The last day of Term 4 for students is Wednesday, 14th December. Dismissal time is 3.20pm. Children will be having a fun Sports day at School. Children can wear casual clothes to school, no singlet tops or thongs. Please see below for full details.
Thank you
Many thanks to our school Advisory Council for your support and work during the year. Thanks to John Miksad for being our School Council Chair.
To Bianca Lane and Jacklyn Lamb and Parents and Friends, a big thank you for your work and enthusiasm during the year and for the equipment that was bought for students to enjoy.
To Jo and Kim for their fantastic work during another busy year. To Rhonda, for the beautiful food she supplies for staff and students.
To Father Joe Taylor and Father Jackson, a big thank you for your support and care for our School community.
May you have a lovely Christmas with your family and may the holiday season be full of Peace, Joy and Happiness.
Kind regards,
Yours sincerely,
Paula Stevenson - Principal