Religious Education News 

Carmela Vozzo 

Religious Education Leader 

Dear Parents and Guardians,


The end of year is quickly coming to an end. Last Sunday we commenced the Advent season in the Church’s Liturgical Calendar. A time of hope and preparation for the birth of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

This coming Sunday, 4th December, will mark the second week of Advent - the second purple candle is lit focusing on the peace that the birth of our Saviour brings into the world.


God of Light, we ask to be filled with your peace this Advent. As we prepare for your coming, we ask you to help us to be peacemakers, allowing us to see your face in others at home, and in our community. Amen.



Sunday 11th December marks the third Sunday of Advent. A rose coloured candle is lit symbolising Jesus as the light and love in our world.


Loving God, we thank you for the joy you bring us. Help us to prepare our hearts for the gift of your son. Help us to hear your word and live it in our lives.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen


Sunday 18th December ends our Advent season. The fourth purple candle is lit, reminding us of the faith and love that Mary had when she was told that she had to bear a son  and name him Jesus.


Dear God,

Grant that we may follow Mary’s example, for her humility was pleasing to you and her obedience is valuable to us.

We ask this through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Thursday December 8th 2022. 

Feast of the Immaculate Conception & Christmas Carols

It is our school’s name day!. 

We are gathering as a whole school community on Thursday morning to attend a special celebratory Mass at 9:15 am in the parish church.

You are all, warmly invited to come and celebrate with us. 

The children will be participating in the Liturgy and the school Choir will lead a special hymn to Our Lady.

A few special surprises are lined up for the children during the day..

I look forward to seeing you at Mass on Thursday 8th December at 9:15 am.

Remember to join us at 5:00 - 6:30 pm this evening on the Main Campus grounds to celebrate our Christmas Carols as a whole school community.

St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal

Thank you to the families who have donated a toy or books or vouchers for the families in need this Christmas. Your donation will be greatly appreciated by the children.

If you have not been able to donate yet, you may bring in your donations tomorrow.

Let us all put a smile on children’s faces this Christmas morning!

Thank you most sincerely for your contribution.

God Bless!

Mrs Vozzo