From the Management Team

A Curly Interview Question

A few weeks ago I was in an interview, interviewing someone for a teaching position. At the end, to my surprise, and the surprise of my co-interviewer, when asking the obligatory question, "Do you have any questions for us?" they answered yes and then proceeded with a question that I have never been asked before in an interview setting.  The question was, "What makes you most proud when you think about the graduates from Endeavour?"

Besides being quite taken aback that the question was a little more involved than starting times and teaching loads... What a great question! It was a question seeking to know about what matters to this community, about education and about people.


Given that last night we farewelled Endeavour College's 22nd graduating class this question was incredibly relevant. I cannot remember exactly how I responded but it went something in essence like this.


When I think of graduates from Endeavour what makes me most proud are those who have followed the paths mapped out for them that have lead them to use their skills to support the lives of others.  Those who have committed their lives in service to their community, whether local or global. Those who have found their path and those who are having more fun trying a variety of paths and those graduates living their best lives in the service of others. These are the graduates who are living lives of great Love and this makes me proud.


When I think of graduates from Endeavour what makes me proud are those who have struggled enormously for any variety of reasons, from circumstance, to learning challenges, to health challenges, to get to where they wanted to be. The commitment they showed to achieving their best and ultimately their goal. Those who perhaps did not achieve the results they needed to get into their preferred course but persevered through other courses and kept applying for entry and finally getting there knowing that this was their passion realised. These are the graduates who have reflected real Courage and this makes me proud.


When I think of graduates from Endeavour, what makes me proud are those who return to visit the College whether just by dropping in or by attending an old scholar's event. Those who thrived in the environment, those who may have lost their way at times, those who were or may not have been the best versions of themselves when at school, or those who just want to keep the connection, but all, without fail, thank the College and its staff for continuing to believe in them, encouraging them especially when they did not see the fullness of their capabilities, supporting them when life for them was tough while always celebrating and sharing their successes. These are the graduates who have reflected a true sense of Forgiveness for themselves and others and realised the importance of what the College is all about, and this makes me proud.


When I think of the graduates from last night. When I looked at them on the stage, standing in front of their community having reached the end of their years at Endeavour College, they were standing proud of their own achievements but also reflecting great pride in their peers. When as a whole staff we sang the blessing for the 22nd time, sending out these graduates with God's richest blessings, that He would keep every one of them in His care, I felt an overwhelming sense of Hope. Hope for the Class of 2022, but more importantly Hope for the world they were going to impact.


And this made me so very proud.


I wonder how you would answer the same question - What makes you proud when you think about graduates from Endeavour College?


Sandra Barry

Director of Learning


"I came so everyone would have life, and have it fully." John 10:10