Media News

In Year 7 Media we have been learning many things, we learnt how to use Photoshop in many different ways such as creating flames to our words, masking and reflection. We learnt how to create our own digital portfolio in the form of a Weebly website, which presented our progressive work throughout the year. We learnt different shot types and camera movements, such as a “close up” which has to be a close up of something. We then had to use our knowledge of different shot types and camera movements to do a film analysis task, in which we had to list at least three shot types and three camera movements used in the Monsters Inc. training simulation clip then write a full sentence for each shot type and camera movement we choose. We also used a four square diagram to help us plan and structure our film analysis. We then learnt how to create an opening sequence, by classifying the genre, creating our character than creating a storyboard for the opening sequence for our movie and introducing the character we created, we then had to write a brief description about what is happening in each scene.
My movie was a romance/comedy, I found making the storyboard really enjoyable. After creating our storyboard, we then had to create a poster for our movie to advertise it. We had to include what the title of our movie was, the featured actors in our movie, images related to our movie, credits, the release date and a tagline. I found creating my poster for my movie extremely engaging. We then started a movie poster research task, we had to find at least five movie posters online, each from a different genre, to analyse. We all did this in a PowerPoint presentation including which genre, the setting, the mood, the targeted audience, and had to see if all the usual features of a movie poster are seen.
At the end of term 3, we started “The Surprise”. We all had to get into groups of four, storyboard and film a short sequence that shows ‘A character sitting down next to their friend. Talking quietly about their busy day at school. Suddenly, they hear footsteps coming towards them. They turn around to discover a gigantic surprise…’ We all loved filming “The Surprise”.
-Bella Harkness
Year 7