Language News

Taiko Drumming
During the last day of Term 3, Year 9 and 11 Japanese students took part in a Taiko drumming performance and workshop.
Students were taught how to play the Taiko drums and other traditional Japanese instruments using instructions only in Japanese.
A big thank you to Ms Pendleton and Ms Lavery for organising this activity.
Pictured – Year 9 and 11 students and Language Assistant Ayame playing the Taiko drums.
Bento Box Making
Towards the end of Term 3, Year 10 Japanese students were given the opportunity to make Kyaraben in class.
These are character lunch boxes which are very popular in Japanese schools and promote healthy and fun eating.
A big thank you to Ms Pendleton and Miss Moody for organising this activity.
Indonesian Islamic Visitors
As part of our partnership with the Indonesian Islamic University, two students, Ari and Triana, visited Dromana College for two weeks during October.
Ari and Triana are currently studying to become teachers. They came to Australia to learn more about our country, improve their English, as well as to teach Dromana College students about the Indonesian language and culture.
Both Ari and Triana helped in a number of Dromana College Indonesian classes conducting speaking practice, helping with culture lessons and teaching Year 7 and 10 students’ traditional Indonesian dances.
Dromana College would like to thank the Stelling and Goray families for hosting Ari and Triana during their stay.
Around the Classrooms
*Year 12 students this term are preparing for, and taking part in, their final written and spoken exams. Good luck to these students. We are very proud of them.
*Student shoutout: Well done to Mimi Moresby for being accepted into the Latitude Global Volunteering Program, based in Japan.
*4th/5th November – Madman Anime Festival
23 Nov/3 December – Japanese Film Festival ACMI/HOYTS Melbourne Central