Assistant Principals' Update

Simon Jones
Assistant Principal
Years 10 - 12
Our Year 12 VCE students, as well as a significant number of Year 11 students, are now doing their final preparations for their VCAA written examinations, which began with the English exam on Friday November the 1st. All students have been provided with a copy of their individual exam timetables and need to ensure that they arrive at school at least 20-30 minutes before the start of each exam. Students have been informed of equipment that is allowed in each exam as well as exam room rules and regulations. Students have undertaken a thorough program at school to ensure that they are ready to perform at their best in the exams including holiday revision classes, practice exams and revision lectures. Of course, students should have been studying consistently at home as well in the lead up to their exams. Students need to consider their individual exam timetables and work out the best way to prepare for each exam, as some students will have clusters of exams and others will find that they may be more spread out, depending on their program. I wish all students well with the upcoming exams and believe that the school has prepared them very well throughout their senior years so that they can face this challenge with confidence and a high degree of familiarity.
Students in Years 10 and 11 are in the process of completing their studies for semester 2. We have only a couple of weeks left before final submission of work and then move into revision before the end of year exams. Students will receive their individual exam timetables and need to ensure that they present on time with required and allowable equipment. These exams replicate and build towards the Year 12 VCE exam experience as far as possible so that students are getting as much preparation as we can offer. Students with clashes or requiring rescheduling of exams must see their Head Of Year or Ms Bastin well in advance to arrange this.
Final progress reports will be available very soon and it is vital that these reports are read carefully and acted upon where necessary so that the transition to the next year of schooling is a smooth one. Students are required to demonstrate that they have the right attitude, skills and effort to progress to the next level and this is not automatic.
As always, we will run a Jumpstart Program to complete the year where students begin next year’s timetable with new classes and teachers, as far as possible. Work in the next year level begins in earnest and it is expected that all students who will be returning in 2018 attend this program.
It is certainly a busy term, however it always seems to pass quickly so it is important that students and parents are familiar with key dates. For more information please check the calendar on the College website.
Andrew Wynne Assistant Principal
Years 7-9.
Its Term 4 already, and the Junior school is buzzing with activity and learning. I ensure that every day I get out amongst the students, both in the classrooms and in the yard, and there is always a positive and dynamic atmosphere in all the junior sub school areas.
This is an important term as it marks a transition for two of our year levels. On November 27, Jumpstart begins, and on this day Year 7 become Year 8, Year 8 become Year 9 and for Year 9 it is the important transition from the junior school to the senior school. All these milestones are important, and all present their own individual challenges. The Year 7 students leave their amazing new area and go into the big school. While they are well and truly settled into life at Dromana College, this is still a significant step in their development as students. I know they will continue to develop as an amazing cohort of students who have clearly embraced the college values.
The Year 9 transition is equally as significant. As they progress into the senior school , under the leadership of Simon Jones, the Assistant Principal in charge of senior students, and a new team of coordinators, they enter a new world where the focus is clearly on future pathways, of VCE and VCAL and all that goes with these programs. Since Year 7 they have been a wonderful group of students and I look forward to following their progress as they complete their senior years of schooling.
Good luck to all students on these transitions.
Chad Ambrose
Assistant Principal
Learning and Teaching
In accordance with the Education State Agenda, Dromana College has recently undertaken considerable work around planning for 2018. In recent years Dromana College has achieved exceptional results in terms of developing student’s literacy and numeracy skills and in terms of increasing student connectedness and engagement. These areas will continue to be our primary focus in 2018. New initiatives from the beginning of Jumpstart include the introduction of:
- a diagnostic tool in the area of numeracy and reading comprehension to identify student’s strengths and areas for improvement
- a model to support identified students through the development of individual learning plans
- increased Enhancement Program offerings (see Dromana College website)
- increased classroom support in Year 9 Mathematics
- continued development of our Student Leadership Program and
- Compass online learning platform to support improved communication between students, parents and the college
Introducing such a wide range of initiatives will not be without its challenges, however this is further evidence of our staff’s commitment to supporting every student to achieve their Personal Best.