Principal's Report

Student Learning Conferences
Student Learning Conferences
On Thursday June 20th, Upper Ferntree Gully Primary School will be holding Student Learning Conferences. This is being introduced as a part of our school Annual Implementation Plan and to encourage Student Voice and Agency in learning.
Essential Element of School Improvement: Schools build a culture where teachers and students work together and student voice is heard and respected. When this occurs it contributes to students building their confidence and self-efficacy. Teachers and school leaders receive valuable feedback that can lead to improved teaching practice and contribute to school improvement. Students feel more positive and connected to their school, see themselves as learners and better understand their learning growth.
By empowering students we enhance student engagement and enrich their participation:
- We help students to ‘own’ their learning and development.
- We help schools to create a positive climate for learning.
What is a Student Learning Conference?
This year we have had a particular focus on students understanding their own learning goals, progress and needs. The Student Learning Conferences will provide the students with the opportunity to discuss with their parents what they have learnt, reflect on their strengths and identify the next steps in their learning. The interviews will be led entirely by the students.
N.B. It is vital that parents are present at the beginning of the scheduled interview time to ensure the smooth running of the event
There will be 5 stations set up around each room for the parents and student to conduct the interview. The interview will not be conducted at your child’s desk which will mean that their tub and other supplies/books will not be available.
Approximate timing:
2 mins: Teacher welcome and explanation of the procedure.
1 minute: Reading of student letter of explanation
10 – 15 mins: Student Learning presentation
5 minutes: Completion of Learning Together Sheet
What is the student’s role?
Before the interview they will review the content and organise the pieces that reflect their learning across a number of areas. They will have practised their interview techniques and prepared their introductory letter.
During the interview the students will refer to their portfolio to honestly discuss their learning. They will discuss what they have done and what they could do better. They should also be able to discuss current goals.
What is the parent’s role?
During the Student Learning Conferences parents should provide encouragement, feedback and reinforcement. Parents may ask a few questions if they need to clarify anything. At the end of the student presentation, parents are required to fill in a Learning Together page which includes a section on how the parent can assist the child achieve his/her goals.
What is the teacher’s role?
The teachers this year have been working with students to enable them to have a greater understanding of their learning. The teachers will also provide students with time to practise their presentation skills. On the afternoon of the Student Learning Conferences your child’s teacher will be present in the room.
What happens if I want to speak to my child’s classroom teacher?
The Student Learning Conferences is an additional reporting event. If you wish to speak to the teacher about your child’s progress please make an appointment at another time. There will be times made available at the beginning of term 3.
If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact your classroom teacher.
Have a great week everyone.