Junior School News

Exams for Year 9 Students

Please note that exams are being held for Year 9 students commencing Wednesday, 5th June and finishing Wednesday, 12th June.    If students do not have a scheduled exam then they are not required at school during this time.  All students are expected to be at all of their exams as this is not only part of their assessment but it is also helping students to get ready for their senior years by undertaking exams in a formal, supervised setting.  I have heard some students say that they will not be attending and I ask that parents/guardians take the time to explain the importance of attending the exams and to encourage them to try to the best of their ability.


It’s not ok to be away

Whether students have a birthday, have someone visiting from overseas/interstate or needing to go ‘shopping’; students should not be taking time off from school.  These are some of the reasons that students have given us recently as to why they have been absent. Regular attendance at school is very important for your child's learning and social development. Very good attendance is 95% and above.  If your child is sick and they need to stay home to stay home to get well - that's OK!  But other than that, students need to be at school as much as possible to ensure the BEST opportunity for learning and for their future success.  Please have a look at the chart below which highlights the effect just one day a fortnight can have on a student’s learning.  Also, if your child is going to be absent, we need you to contact the school to ensure that the absence is reported, otherwise unexplained absences will result in the school contacting the parent/guardian to find out why this is happening.  Please remember that ‘Every Day Counts’.



Yes, winter has finally hit us, and it has been really cold this week.  Whilst the majority of the students have been wearing correct uniform, some students in Years 8 and 9 are not adhering to school policy on uniform requirements.  Students are not to be wearing hoodies, beanies or non-school track pants for PE.  In addition to this it has been noted that several students are wearing undergarments that hang below their uniform.  For example, wearing long sleeved t-shirts under short sleeved shirts/PE tops.  Girls are able to wear black or navy blue tights with their winter skirt only, not with the summer dress.  If students are out of uniform they will receive a consequence, so we are asking that parents and students make sure that they have the required uniform to help them through the winter months.



Year 9 History Classes

This week the Year 9 students in History were able to look at some World War 1 artefacts and memorabilia to help them understand what it was like to be a solider during the First World War.  They were able to try on some of the uniforms, look through some very old magazines and even play a game of two-up.  Please see the attached photos.  Thanks to Kiri Katsikis, the Humanities Coordinator for organising this, it gave the students a ’real hands’ on session.


The Junior School Team

Sharyn Campbell, Shane Maloney and Kathleen Fogarty