Wellbeing News

This term Headspace held a seminar for our Junior School and Senior School students and a Parenting Information Seminar.


The Junior and Senior School assembly covered topics on mental health literacy, impact of bullying on mental health, promoting support seeking skills and how to support a friend if you are worried about them.


The parent information seminar covered information about mental health and wellbeing in adolescence, skills to support conversation between parents and young people about mental health and strategies to for parents to support young people. Irene and Megan from Headspace  discussed signs that parents can look out for, that may indicate a young person needs support.  Irene and Megan also gave tips on how to ‘have the conversation about mental health’ and then connecting to appropriate services. The seminar in our Performing Arts Centre was well attended by approx. 20 families, thanks to all who came along to support building our school community knowledge about this important topic!

Karina Dienjes

Student Wellbeing Coordinator

Wellbeing Noticeboard