Principal's Message

Week 9

What a huge couple of weeks! Congratulations to all of our children, parents and staff who took on greater roles to allow our children to enjoy experiences beyond the classroom. I look forward to sharing in the stories, especially about camp.


Some of our children have been attending intensive swimming lessons in the last few weeks. We are a water community and the ability to be safe in the water is a life skill all students require. Thanks to all our parents who have continued to support the program.  


This week we will be releasing the NAPLAN results to each child in Grades 3 and 5. As a school we have enjoyed some pleasing results. This has not come as a surprise to our teachers as we have been monitoring student progress all year. All that we ask is that each child strives to achieve their own personal best.  NAPLAN is designed to take a snapshot of academic achievement across the state and provide our school with another tool to track student achievement. There are many personal qualities that are needed to be successful citizens which are not reflected in these results. As always, I urge you to share your child’s NAPLAN results in the context of them as a whole student and focus on their success.


Throughout the term, our teachers work hard to create the best learning environment they can for all of our students. At times circumstances can change at home which may have a positive or negative effect on each child’s schooling. If you have a change in circumstances or have any other query regarding your child’s education please make a time to come and see our teachers as they are always willing to discuss the success of each child.


Our PBL focus for the next 2 weeks is about playing fair and including others. Teachers will be sharing lessons and experiences to help our children progress their skills in this area. Entering a game and including others is a significant challenge for many children.  Can we ask parents and carers to ask your children about the lessons and how they feel about entering games and playing fairly. BAPS is predominately an academic institution, but we want all children to enjoy their time at school and this is best achieved by enjoying social opportunities as well as academic. 


We spend a great deal of money on our sports equipment as our children greatly value their outdoor activities. The equipment is kept in the sports shed behind the canteen and on some afternoons the door is left open. Can I please ask parents not to enter the storeroom as the equipment is intended for the use of our students. 


We are getting close to the end of the term and it has been pleasing to see so many of our students continuing to work hard right up to the end. Our teachers may change the structure of lessons continue to make learning fun. Please encourage your children to attend right up until the end of the term. 


What a wonderful term it has been. This will be our last newsletter before the school holiday. Please enjoy the break and continue to remind our children how precious they are.


Mr Dalkeith