News from the Library and our School Nurse

Sun Smart Holidays


Skin cancer kills nearly 2,000 Australians each year. 

This is more than the national road toll. 

2 in 3 Australians will be diagnosed with skin cancer by the age of 70.

Your skin cancer risk can be reduced by using good sun protection. 

It's never too late to start using sun protection / prevention, regardless of age.


Think ULTRA VIOLET (UV) not heat

UV cannot be seen or felt so skin damage can happen without realising it.

UV levels can be as high on a cold or cloudy day as it is on a hot day. 

Sun protection times in the forecast are when the UV Index is 3 or above. 

When UV is 3 or above sun protection should be used in your daily routine.


Overexposure to UV radiation causes wrinkles, skin, eye damage and 

potentially skin cancer

The Sun Smart app shows current UV levels and when sun protection is 

  recommended for your specific location. 


Sun protection times for more than 600 locations across Australia, providing an easy way to find out when you do and don’t need sun protection each day.

Alerts to remind when sun protection times start each day. 

Sunscreen calculator, which provides the minimum recommended sunscreen application recommended, based on your choice of outfit. 

Ability to set a two-hour reminder so you don’t forget to top up. 

You can add multiple profiles to the calculator to help the whole family keep track of their sunscreen application.

Enjoy the summer holidays and remember to use a combination of sun protection actions when outdoors and while the UV is three or higher




Penny Hsiao, Adolescent Health Promotion Nurse

Library News

What a year for the library! Thank you to everyone who donated books to this wonderful library we have here at Coburg High School. A big thanks goes to Mandy and the Parent’s Association as well for accommodating library book purchases into their budget and providing more wonderful

reading material for our students.

We would also like to send a massive thanks to Quinn Eades, one of the 2019 judges of the Victorian Premier’s Literary Awards in the non-fiction category, for his extremely generous donation of every title on the list. A very big thank you from all of us here at Coburg High School.

It was also great to see such a huge response to the Library Trivia mystery with the winner being Josh R who gave us the correct answer. There were some very imaginative responses from other students. New library trivia mysteries will ensue in 2020. Be prepared.

We now have a book covering machine and can cover any student textbooks for a gold coin donation per book to raise funds for the library book collection. Come and see me here in the library for further


From the library team we wish you all a very well read and enlightened holiday season.

Diana Jarnet
