Classroom News - Year 5


In English this week our VCOP focus is Openers. Our Topic this week is a narrative called 'The Mountain Pass'. Students having been looking at Narrative structure, how to make their stories interesting using fabulous openers and up-leveling their writing using our VCOP wall.  Last week we wrote narratives based on the topic 'The Tornado'. Students came up with some very creative stories, we can't wait to see what the students will produce this week! Students can be practicing their typing skills on the Typing Tournament program at home.


We are well into our Addition and Subtraction unit in Mathematics. Talk to your children about the variety of strategies they have been learning when completing an addition or subtraction problem e.g split, bridging and empty number lines. Also, students can continue to complete activities on Study Ladder and Prodigy at home

Science and History

In Science we are completing our Earth's Place in Space unit this week. It was great to see the students engaged in role plays about the night sky based on Indigenous stories and creating slideshows on the planets using Google Classroom. Next week we will be starting our History unit 'The Australian Colonies'.


This week we continue our Lenten unit. Today we viewed slides about the origins of Lent and Ash Wednesday and the children were interested to learn of the rituals of the early Church involving repentance - the penitents often wore sackcloth and covered their bodies in ash. We are learning that Lent is a time for turning back to God and making good choices in our lives.

We also celebrated St Patrick's Day today. Almost all Year 5 students wore green clothing and donated a gold coin to Project Compassion. 

Practising Good Hygiene 

We continue to remind students of good hygiene practice. This includes reminding them to wash their hands with soap and water, coughing into their elbow and using tissues to wipe their nose.