Classroom News - Year 3


Students have been busy learning about Narratives. Students having been looking at Narrative structure, how to make their stories interesting and up-leveling their writing using our VCOP wall. Year 3 are very familiar with VCOP(Vocabulary, connectives, openers, and Puctuation) and we have seen many fantastic contribution to our VCOP wall with many 'wow' words being added. Students are being encouraged to use other connectives other than 'and' to make their stories more interesting. This week we started BIG WRITE! Students came up with some very creative stories, we can't wait to see what else the students will produce this year! 


Year 3 have started to work together on Maths with 3O and 3C joining forces to make sure we are getting the most out of our Maths time. We have been looking at addition and subtraction and are learning about some new strategies which we can use to help us work out problems. Students are enjoying getting to engage in rotations with the hands on activities proving to be a big hit. 


We have finished our Science Unit "Material World." It was great to observe students fully engaged with the unit and the learning activities provided. To finish our learning off students got to put on their designer hats and design a shelter which would be useful to have within the school. Some of the designs that were created are amazing and demonstrated the new knowledge which the students learnt through the unit. 


We have started our History unit on : Community and Remembrance. In this unit students will learn about different cultural groups in their community, special days of celebration or commemoration and the importance of symbols and emblems. This will continue on to next Term. 

Practising Good Hygiene.

We continue to remind students of good hygiene practise. This includes reminding them to wash their hands with soap and water, covering their mouth when coughing and using tissues to wipe their nose. 

Photos of students engaged in their learning