Classroom News - Year 2


This week Year 2 have started learning about informative texts and their purpose. We have been practicing our fluency by reading to a partner and enjoyed being able to step outside the classroom for a change of scenery! 


Year 2 have started going to 'Maths Groups'. It has been lots of fun being able to change classrooms for an hour of the day while we continue to learn about multiplication and division.  


We have been learning how we are all images of God. God made us all, and we are all unique. We have been thinking about what it is that makes us special. Our teachers can thinks of MILLIONS of reasons we are special!

St Patrick's Day

For St Patrick's Day we learnt about the origins of the special day. We loved being able to dress up in green!

Keeping Clean

Although there is no cases of COVID 19 in the New England area, Year 2 are still making sure we are doing our best to stop the spread of germs. We have been doing our best to remember to wash our hands for 20 seconds (singing Happy Birthday twice!) before and after eating. We are sure to not put our hands near our faces, as that is how germs can get into our bodies, and we are coughing and sneezing into our elbow, so that our hands remain clean. Please remind your children of these important steps to keeping them safe and practice them at home.

Home Readers

In order to make it easier for children and families to remember home readers, we are changing the 'home reader day' to Thursday. This way it will coincide with our library day. This way, children will just need to remember one day to bring all their books back. It also gives the few who forget another day to remember before the weekend. We hope this makes things easier for families. If your child has finished their readers early, they are more than welcome to change them prior to Thursday.