Stories from the Library 

Premier's Reading Challenge 2023 | A NEW CHAPTER

Stories from the Library

Premier’s Reading Challenge 2023 – 

3 June to 12 August 2023


At John Paul II we are excited about participating in the Premier’s Reading Challenge again. From the 3rd June to the 12th August, we are aiming to read at least 10 books over 10 weeks. We started our Challenge early to allow us to award prizes for reading during our Book Week Parade on Tuesday 22 August.


The Premier’s Reading Challenge is a personal challenge to encourage a love of reading. How many books can you read in 10 weeks? Set your personal reading goal for the Challenge and see how you go. It doesn’t matter what you read, as long as you are reading. Books selected can include graphic novels, fiction and non-fiction.  You can choose books from our school library, from home, or from another library. Younger students can include books read to them. Spare forms are available from the library for students who complete their first form. Larger chapter books can be counted as more than one book – please talk to Mrs Jaeger about this. Completing the Challenge is something to be proud of and every student who completes the Challenge will receive a certificate to recognise this. The message from Premier Jeremy Rockliff below encourages everyone to participate.


Message from the Premier – Hon Jeremy Rockliff MP

Congratulations on participating in the 2023 Premier’s Reading Challenge.   

The Challenge is not a competition but a way to encourage you to develop a love of reading for life.  No matter what you aspire to do or be, reading and literacy skills will help you get there.  I encourage all Tasmanian students from Prep to Year 10 to take part, no matter what your reading level – just read as often as possible during the 10 weeks. 


If you figure out what you love to read, reading will be easier – so try reading different things – fiction, non-fiction – blogs, comics, poetry, lyrics, essays, magazines, newspapers… it all counts in the PRC.

And for families – you can help your child get involved in the challenge by reading with them, talking to them about what they are reading and providing lots of encouragement! So grab some books and start reading!   


Jeremy Rockliff MP


Mrs Kathryn Jaeger

Teacher Librarian and English/HASS Extension



Our library catalogue Oliver - is available online. 

Everything available in our library can be viewed using the following link –