From Our School Leaders

End Of Term 2

There have been so many events this term for students to make the learning at Scoresby PS engaging. We are always busy in schools but when you list things down, it’s no wonder we are all ready for a holiday! 

  • EDUCATION WEEK - Open morning and Open evening 
  • MOTHER’S DAY  - Special Breakfast Club and Mother's Day Stall 
  • KINDER VISITS – Merran Maguire and Year 5 students
  • MAT PROGRAM - martial arts program for selected 5/6 students has been running from Knox Youth Services for children who need assistance in calming down/ feeling anxious
  • FATHERING PROJECT LAUNCH - 'Bricks and Brekky' launch was a big success
  • BUDDY EXCURSION TO THE MELBOURNE MUSEUM - Preps and Year 6 students 
  • WINTER SPORTS – Year 5/6 students
  • CRAZY HAIR DAY - fundraiser for all students
  • MINIBEAST INCURSION – Year 1/2 students
  • 'WRITE A BOOK IN A DAY' TRAINING – selected students in preparation for the event next term
  • GARDENING - all classes are going into our kitchen garden this term 

Next term we have the celebration weeks to look forward to - Book Week, Science Week, Literacy and Numeracy Week. School life is always busy and no two days are ever the same.  For people like us, who have been in schools for many years now, this is the bit we love about the job. Planning the learning, creating excitement and engagement is part of teaching, and these experiences embed learning, but also engage students in different ways. Incursions, excursions, camps and speakers also make school memorable for children in years to come.

Staffing News

Chaplain News

We have been interviewing for a new chaplain this term,  and we are pleased to announce that Ms Sheridan Tate will be joining us at Scoresby PS starting next term . Sheridan is an experienced chaplain, currently working part time. She will be able to fit in with the current chaplaincy work, and also bring new ideas and connections to our school. Lyndal has been working hard on handover documents so Sheridan will have an understanding of the students that are part of the chaplaincy program. We will have a meet and greet session once Sheridan settles in. 


Lyndal is finishing up at Scoresby PS this Friday. We are saying goodbye to her at assembly on Friday (assembly is 1.50pm, due to early finishing at the end of term). Lyndal has been a terrific asset to our school, and we sincerely thank her for her work, concerns at all times for our students, and her kindness. We wish her and Taffy well.



Miss Shantelle Bellingham will be continuing her role in regional office until the end of this year. She is enjoying the position and the new learning opportunities. I am pleased to announce that Ms Murray and Mrs Foenander will continue working in 3/4B until the end of the year. One slight change is that they will be alternating Wednesdays. This is so they can both attend team planning. We’d like to thank Caroline and Angela for their work so far, and look forward to working with them for the reminder of the year.

Maths @ Home

This week you will be receiving a small Maths pack for your family. It contains a deck of cards, a 10-sided die and coloured counters. We are giving all families this Maths equipment to encourage you to play Maths games with your children at home. 


Maths games can be used as a great tool to consolidate skills if they are carefully chosen, practised regularly, and played again every once in a while. We know that when you learn a new skill, regular practice makes a firm neural pathway in your brain, and this helps you remember things better. The stronger the pathway, the easier it is to retain and recall information. This is why practice works.


Games can be found on the Scoresby PS Maths @ Home website. Mrs Rheumer has created the website for us and teachers will continue to post Maths games there that target the skills our students are learning.  Students will be able to show you how to play all of the games in their year level tab.


The materials and packs have been purchased by Ms Symons, and our ES staff have assisted in putting the packs together. It has been a big team effort. 


We hope you can enjoy playing some Maths games at home during the mid-year school holidays to support your child’s learning. If you need game boards printed, they are at the office and you can come in and request what you need. 

Library Update

We have almost finished our library update. The new furniture arrived early this week, and books are being moved around to accommodate a relaxed learning space in the library. 


The picture books will now be on display for easier access. Tables and ottomans will be a space for children to work at during library lessons and play games at during breaks; we have also updated the lighting. 


A huge thank you to Alison Lancashire and Jenny Clarke, our Library Technicians, for their patience and planning for this big change. Many staff have assisted in this process, and we know the children are looking forward to seeing the changes. 

The Fathering Project

After a successful launch of The Fathering Project and the SPS Dad’s Group at our Bricks and Brekky Breakfast Club, it is time to look forward to next term and plan our next event.


The google form link below is to find what events you are interested in being a part of next term, and the most appropriate time for these events.


If you have not yet had an opportunity to become our member of our Dad’s group please scan the QR code to join. 



Scoresby Primary School Leaders