Learning & Teaching

School Performance details
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First Holy Communion
We have a number of children preparing to celebrate their First Holy Communion on Sunday 6 August, 10am at St Gabriel’s Church.
We warmly invite our children who will be celebrating their First Holy Communion and their families to a reflection evening at St Gabriel’s on Monday 31 July at 6pm. This will be an opportunity to discuss the Sacrament and to share reflective experience together. All year 3 families are welcome to attend the reflection night and the Sacramental Mass.
In Maths the children have been learning about Shapes. The children have investigated the names of many different 2D shapes and 3D objects. Children learn to name,describe, and organise shapes by noticing their features.They describe the features of shapes using language such as; sides, corners, vertices, angles and edges.
A fun way to help your child learn shapes is to go on a shape hunt. Ask your children to find some…
• triangles in your house
• things with 6 flat sides in your house
• cylinders in your house
• rectangles in your house
• things with round edges
Play a game of Eye spy with my little eye something that…
• is round
• has more than 3 straight edges
• has 8 corners
• has curved edges
• has flat sides/surfaces
Here is a Hidden Shape Challenge you could do with your children at home…
Literacy News
Over the next few weeks our children will be getting back
into their Book Making and Writers Notebooks. This area of ‘Craft Study’ is always fun as we get to learn about different techniques authors use to make their books interesting.
To build Reading comprehension in children you might want to ask these questions before, during or after reading.
- Does something in this book remind you of something in your life?
- What is happening in this picture? On this page?
- What is the problem in the story? How do you know?
- What is the beginning of the story, the middle, the end?
- What did you learn on this page? Through pictures? Through words?
Digital Technology
Hello families, last week our children in Years 1-6, engaged with Marty McGauran in another ‘Inform & Empower’ session online. These ‘Inform and Empower’ sessions are live streamed incursions that teach ‘Digital Wellbeing & Safety’ alongside the Victorian Curriculum. Attached are ‘Tip Sheets’ about what your child learnt in the session and some conversation starters for you.