Foundation Students

Celebrating our fabulous Foundies!


We have been so impressed by the quality of writing we have seen from our Foundie students! Students love reading our whole class (decodable) big book together and retelling their favourite parts. This writing style has seen students successfully encode (write) independently using their letter-sound knowledge. We also love Pevan and Sarah’s song ’Sentences’ where they help students remember to use a capital letter at the start of a sentence, make sure the words make sense, use finger spaces between each word and punctuate at the end! Students also draw a picture for comprehension understanding. If you don’t believe 5 and 6 year olds are doing this, take a look at the amazing example by Anya below.


Foundation students have really enjoyed the addition unit over the past few weeks. They have worked hard using the 'THINK BIG, count small' strategy. This means that students count on from the larger number. Students have played a range of fun and engaging games to practise their addition skills. An easy yet very effective game that they very much enjoyed was ‘Card Flip Addition’ This is where they took turns flipping over cards and made an addition sum on their whiteboards, they then used their strategies to work out the answer. Take a look at the wonderful work done by Ned Man & Tom and Ned Met & Rory below, well done boys!

Wellbeing and Respectful Relationships

Foundation students have been loving their fortnightly ‘Hello Yoga’ sessions. Recently, they had the opportunity to become ‘Yogi Superheroes' and, through the magic of movement, balance and breath, they learned how to enhance their superhero powers, such as laser-like focus, bravery, and calmness. They learnt different poses that acted as different superheroes. The below picture shows FB doing the Superman pose, what amazing balancing skills they have!

Prep Bags 2023 Survey 

Have your say about this year’s Prep bags in a short survey, closing Sunday, 9 July.


Each year, the Department of Education gives every Prep student attending a Victorian Government school a bag full of goodies to celebrate this milestone in their education journey. The information and educational resources in the bags are designed to help Prep students and their families thrive from the start of Term 1.


The Department is inviting parents and carers of current Prep students to participate in a short survey about the 2023 Prep bags, by 5pm on Sunday, 9 July 2023.


Your feedback will help the Department learn what families liked about the Prep bags and what can be improved in 2024.


You can have your say at 2023 Prep Bags – Evaluation Survey.

The survey takes 5 to 10 minutes to complete, and responses are anonymous. 

For more information on this year’s Prep bags, refer to Prep bags.