
Last week one of the students told me that he is studying Japanese using Duolingo in his own time. Hearing that our students are engaging with Japanese or any other language and culture outside school just makes my heart sing!



Our Foundation students have been working hard to practise their Japanese sentences. Many can introduce their names in Japanese using a sentence ‘…. desu’ (I am…). We practise using songs and games in class. They also got familiar with Japanese characters by tracing the sentence. Well done Foundation students!

Lucy C FB
Lucy C FB

Year 2

Year 2 students continue to learn about colour adjectives and how to say ‘here, there and over there’ through a story in Japanese. They have been practising recognising Hiragana scripts for each adjective using a board game. Games bring out different aspects of learning – recognising scripts, matching with the correct picture, counting, turn taking and losing well. They have been enjoying the partner work while learning about Japanese language. Keep up the great work Year 2s!

Hamish B and Spike W 2B
Hamish B and Spike W 2B


Junko Sensei