Leadership @ MPS

Latest News 

I hope all families enjoyed the extra long weekend and were able to enjoy some quality time together. Staff used the valuable time on Tuesday to complete a number of tasks, including working on student reports for Semester 1. Teachers put an enormous amount of time and effort into every child’s report, providing valuable information to families. Reports will be available to families through Compass, next Thursday afternoon, 22nd June. 


We had a visit from our local MP, Vicki Ward, who enjoyed an inspection of the building works and seeing the great progress made so far. Last year, a group of students wrote to Vicki about our school and she commented on how impressed she was with their articulation and strong advocacy for their school. As well as seeing the building works, Vicki presented the school with one of the original Montmorency Train Station signs which we can proudly display in our school. Two SRC representatives who wrote to Vicki last year, Charli and Michael, were wonderful ambassadors for MPS, leading the tour with Vicki.  

The school will be acknowledging NAIDOC Week over the last week of Term 2. NAIDOC Week falls in the school holidays, so classes will be completing a variety of activities next week. The 2023 National NAIDOC Week theme is 'For Our Elders'. Across every generation, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elders have played, and continue to play, an important role and hold a prominent place in our communities and families. They are cultural knowledge holders, trailblazers, nurturers, advocates, teachers, survivors, leaders, hard workers and our loved ones. We look forward to NAIDOC Week at MPS.


I would like to congratulate our four students who represented MPS at Regional Cross Country this week. Tess, Fynn, Seb and Ryleigh braved the chilly conditions to run their best at the challenging Kilmore track. It is a tough level of competition and they should be extremely proud of their efforts. Well done to Tess who finished in 5th place and qualified for the State Championships to be held early next term. Go Tess!!


Term 2 finishes next Friday, 23rd June. School will finish at the earlier time of 2:30pm on this day after an earlier final assembly at 1.45pm. 


I hope everyone enjoys the holiday break and we look forward to seeing everyone back at school for the first day of Term 3 on Monday, 10th July. 


2024 Foundation Enrolments

We ask that any current families who have a child starting with us at MPS next year please fill out and drop off the application paperwork at the school office as soon as possible. If you know of any friends/neighbours/family members or anyone else who have children that they are hoping to attend MPS next year, please pass this message on to them!


Enrolment packs can be collected from the school office and our administration staff are happy to answer any questions that you may have. Although the paperwork is accepted up until Friday, 28th of July, having approximate numbers as soon as possible goes a long way to helping with 2024 staffing, as well as other factors for next year.


'Finding Our Heart' Story Walk at Montmorency Primary School

‘Finding Our Heart’ is a book written by Kaurareg Aboriginal and Kalkalgal, Erubamle Torres Strait Islander man, Thomas Mayo. Thomas is a signatory of the Uluru Statement ‘From the Heart’ and has been a leading advocate since its inception in May 2017, helping to share with Australians the facts about the generous invitation contained in the Statement, and the upcoming Voice to Parliament referendum.


“When we all came together at Uluru, we invited all Australian people to accept our voice and culture as a gift.”


Thomas wrote ‘Finding our Heart’ as way of sharing with children the intention of the invitation contained in the Uluru Statement, and creating opportunities for families to discuss Australia’s ancient and more recent history, how the country’s Constitution works and the significance of the 2023 referendum where Australians will vote on creating a constitutionally enshrined First Nations voice. 


With permission from Hardie Grant Publisher, the heartfelt support of author Thomas Mayo and funding from the Montmorency Community Group, a local community group of Primary School families across Montmorency and Eltham, Monty First Nations Allies, have created a story walk of the book. As part of our NAIDOC Week celebrations at Montmorency Primary School, we invite families to come and read the story which you will find displayed in the office windows, and hope that it inspires further learning about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander history and culture.


We thank Monty First Nations Allies and the Montmorency Community Group for this wonderful opportunity to further the Aboriginal Cultural education of Monty Primary School students during NAIDOC Week.

Alban Street Safety

We have noticed (and have been contacted by multiple people) that the use of Alban Street by motorists, particularly in the afternoon pick up period, has been very concerning. We urge all of families to obey the street signs displayed, in both the morning drop off and afternoon pick up periods.  


Due to the importance we place on the safety of the MPS community and our local residents, the council has been contacted about these concerns. They recently came for an afternoon visit and have been encouraged by the school to continue this practice in the future.


School Illnesses

Now that we have entered winter, like the general community, we, too, are experiencing a high volume of illness in our school. Several teachers and students are currently unwell. As a result, we ask for your understanding as classes may be split across other classes or have casual relief teachers through to the end of this term. If your child displays symptoms of being unwell, please keep them home until the symptoms resolve.


Upcoming Dates:

Friday, 23rd June - End of Term, early dismissal at 2:30pm




Take care, everyone,

The Leadership Team