Dates - coming up...


24th - Year 2 - Walking Excursion to Beaumaris Primary School

25th - Year 5/6 Netball Victoria Championships

25th -31st - Library & Information Week

27th - Foundation - 100 Days of School


3rd - 8.30am 2nd Hand Uniform Sale

3rd & 4th - Year 5 & 6 - Sexuality Education Program

4th - Year 3/4 - Hoop Time

7th - Year 5/6 - Hoop Time

10th & 11th - Year 5 & 6 - Sexuality Education Program

16th - 2024 Foundation Transition

17th & 18th - Year 5 & 6 - Sexuality Education Program

18th - Year 4 -6  House Athletics Carnival

21st - 25th Book Week

22nd - F - 3 House Athletics Carnival

23rd  - Author Visit

31st - School Concert


4th - 7th Year 1/2 Swimming Program

7th - 8.30am 2nd Hand Uniform Sale

11th - 14th - Year 1/2 Swimming Program

12th - District Athletics

13th - 15th Year 4 Camp

15th - Final Day of Term 3  (2.30pm dismissal)


2nd - First Day of Term 4

2nd - 5th Foundation Swimming Program

5th - 8.30am 2nd Hand Uniform Sale

9th - 12th - Foundation Swimming Program

19th - 2024 Foundation Transition

28th - Parent Social Night


2nd - 8.30am 2nd Hand Uniform Sale

6th - Student Free Day

7th - Melbourne Cup Public Holiday

10th - 2024 Foundation Transition

16th - Year 5/6 Social

20th - 23rd - Year 5/6 Swimming Program

27th - 29th - Year  5/6 Swimming Program

28th - 29th - Book Fair

30th - 2024 Foundation Meet the Teacher




5th - 2024 Foundation Meet the Teacher

6th - Parent Teacher Conferences

7th - 8.30am 2nd Hand Uniform Sale

12th - Step Up Day

12th - Year 6 Government School Year 7 Orientation Day

14th - Year 6 Graduation

15th - Foundation & Year 6 Buddy Lunch

18th - Christmas Performance Assembly

20th Final Day of Term 4 1.30pm dismissal