
Friday lunchtime Gardening Club
Our Friday lunchtime gardening club has been going well, with many eager gardeners from the junior school helping Ms Hutchinson and Mrs Hewitt. Last term we raked up lots of leaves from our oak trees and added them to our compost bays and compost bins. The students have had fun shovelling mulch and spreading it around our native trees.
Recycle, Earn and Play: 1 week to go
Our school is taking part in the Wonder Recycling Rewards campaign.
Please bring in your plastic bread bags (even muffins and crumpet bags) and drop them off in front of FK. They can be any brand of bread. Please remember to shake the bread crumbs out of the bag before you bring them to school.
We would like to thank everyone who has been bringing the bread bags to school, we have had a great response so far.
We are hoping to earn new RHSports Equipment, so please bring in as many as you can!
***Please bring your bags in by Friday 28th July***