Student of The Week Awards 

Congratulations to all our SOTW Award Recipients!

Monday 17 July, 2023 - Week 1


Student Name

For Demonstrating

Award Details


Maya Gillespie 

Love of Learning

Maya has started off the school term beautifully. She has displayed excellent listening on the floor and has shown a great work ethic when completing tasks at her table. Maya’s Holiday Highlights drawing was one to be marvelled at as she put so much pride and dedication into her work. Well done on showing a great love of learning Maya! 


Zoe Lin


Congratulations to Zoe who continuously demonstrates Kindness in Foundation E. She always uses her manners in class and displays enthusiasm when inviting her peers to participate in games and learning. She is a compassionate and caring child. Well done, Zoe!


Isla Culligan

A Love of Learning

Isla demonstrates a passion for learning and always applies herself when completing learning tasks. She showed wonderful listening skills during our first concert practice and was a role model for those around her. Keep up the great work Isla!


Mia Thomas

A Love of Learning

Mia has shown incredible skill and joy in her reading, practicing over the holidays. She was extremely confident in Reading Groups this week, showcasing her efforts. Amazing work Mia! 


Nate Catlin


Nate has demonstrated excellent teamwork skills this week. He always works well in any partnership or small group he is placed in. Nate encourages his teammates and always makes sure his group is having fun and working to the best of their ability.



Harper Cunningham


Harper has displayed bravery this week by starting the new term with a fabulous attitude, a beaming smile, and a willingness to persevere with any challenges she has encountered. Congratulations Harper, you have worked hard, well done! 


Ella Magee

Love of Learning

Ella is to be commended for demonstrating curiosity and a love of learning. Ella continues to work hard across all Curriculum areas, and thoroughly enjoys making discoveries. Her questions are thought-provoking, and she responds exceptionally well to both peer and teacher feedback. Well done, Ella 



Leo Young

A Love of Learning

Leo has been working extremely hard in our writing sessions this week. I have seen a remarkable improvement in his handwriting, and the effort he has put into his spelling has been admirable. Well done Leo, your hard work is certainly paying off!


Sophia Culliver

A Love of Learning

Sophia’s love of learning is evident in the attention to detail and high quality work she produces for every learning task. Well done, Sophia. Keep it up.


Lua Capdeville-Davies


Lua has had consistently neat handwriting and her persistence with this throughout the year has helped her become one of the first students in 4Z to receive her pen licence. Lua should be extremely proud of her efforts and undeniably, her beautiful handwriting. 


Freddie Denness


Freddie has made a fantastic start to Term Three. It has been great this week to see him show so much kindness to our visiting international student by making him feel comfortable in the new environment. Freddie has given up his own time, shared his knowledge and resources and made our new student feel very welcome. Great job Freddie.


Annie Lucas


Congratulations on a fantastic start to Term 3!  Annie enthusiastically participates in school activities and was particularly impressive during the girls footy day this week.  She showed wonderful teamwork, and it was awesome to see her giving it a go. Well done Annie! 


Augie Tucker

A Love of Learning

Augie has shown that he is ready and dedicated to his learning and is off to a flying start in Term Three. He contributes to discussions about our new novel study with great insight, shares his knowledge confidently and asks questions to clarify his understanding. Excellent work Augie! We can’t wait to see you soar in Term Three! 



Harrison North

A Love of Learning

Harrison has had a terrific start to Term 3. He has shown a renewed enthusiasm and drive during classroom sessions and has increased his concentration levels to help him prepare for secondary school. Keep up the great work Harrison!


Edward Hare


Congratulations to Edward in 6M! Your terrific leadership skills and encouragement for others to do their best has been a joy to see. Well done on your outstanding ability to inspire and support your peers. Your impactful leadership has created a positive and motivating environment. Well done!