Assistant Principal's Report

BRPS Presents "Lights Up!" Our 2023 School Concert
What a wonderful start we have had to Term Three. There is definitely a buzz building around our Lights Up - 2023 BRPS Concert. For those families that have been a part of the BRPS Concerts in the past things might seem a little different, but the one thing that remains at the forefront is the importance of the students and their performances.
We will be having the live performances on the one day, Thursday 31st August. There will be a matinee show and an evening performance held at Robert Blackwood Hall @ Monash Clayton.
Matinee Performance
The entire school will be bussed over to Robert Blackwood the morning of the performances and will return via bus in the afternoon for a 3:30 pm dismissal. Students will then make their way independently, more than likely with family or friends that are coming to watch the evening performance, to Robert Blackwood Hall.
As Mrs Pholli said at assembly this week, we ask for families to keep an eye on Compass over the next few weeks for specific event details and timings, costuming requirements, dress rehearsals and details surrounding when tickets will go on sale. (Tickets will be sold through the Robert Blackwood website not via the school.) All information pertaining to the concert will come through the school via Compass or a hard-copy note sent home via students.
Thank you....
There are many people working busily behind the scenes to make our BRPS 2023 Concert a huge success and memorable one for the whole community. To start our thank you list please see below.
Upcoming Class Parent Representative and Community Events Meeting
After the success of our last meeting held last term, we will be holding another Class Rep and Community Events meeting in the staff room @ 7 pm on August 3rd. All members of the BRPS community are welcome to come along.
We will be discussing upcoming events including the BRPS Parent (& Staff) Social Night, the BRPS Concert and our BRPS Skip-A-Thon.
Thank you to the Dieter-Eves Family
Thank you to the Dieter-Eves family and Margaret Eves for their donation of plants and pots that we were able to sell at last term's Market Garden stall. Thank you also to our Year Four students and teaching team and those students that participate in Gardening Club, under the guidance of Sally-Anne Hewitt, that are also working hard each Friday to keep our gardens growing and well-maintained.
Emily Harvey
Acting Assistant Principal